Agenda item

Minutes of Policy and Performance Boards and the Business Efficiency Board


            The Council considered the reports on the work of the following Boards in the period since the meeting of the Council on 20th February 2008:


Children and Young People

Employment, Learning and Skills

Healthy Halton

Safer Halton

Urban Renewal

Corporate Services

Business Efficiency Board


            In receiving the minutes, the Chairmen thanked Members, officers and Topic Groups for their work throughout the year. In addition:


(1)               the Chairman of the Safer Halton Policy and Performance Board (PPB) referred to minute number SAF50 – “The Partnership with Birmingham Trading Standards to Combat Illegal Money Lending in the Borough – Presentation” – and the success of this partnership that had already borne arrests; and


(2)               the Chairman of the Corporate Services PPB congratulated those that had been involved with the job evaluation exercise.

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