Agenda item

Performance Management Reports


The Board considered a report which outlined the progress of the performance management second quarter against the service plan objectives and performance targets, performance trends/comparisons, factors affecting the services for:

·              Exchequer and Customer Services

·              Financial Services

·              ICT Services

·              Legal and Member Services

·              Personnel Services

·              Property Services

·              Policy and Performance

·              Halton Stadium

The Board requested and received confirmation of the reasons for the red lights in each of the services listed above. Issues raised included financial reporting, members IT issues, sickness absence neighbourhood management, the use of agency staff in Property services and Markets income.

The Board noted the excellent school meals service being provided by Halton Stadium and thanked staff for their hard work.

It was agreed that a report would be submitted to the next meeting of the Board outlining any potential ways of improving the financial performance of Runcorn market which may have already been identified but had not been pursued In light of this, consideration would be given to the value of adding a review of the performance of Runcorn market as a third scrutiny topic for the 2008/9 work programme.


(1)       the fourth quarter performance management reports be received;

(2)            consideration be given to further scrutiny work on the future and development of the two Markets, in light of the reports already considered by Urban Renewal Policy and Performance Board.  

Supporting documents: