Agenda item



The Board received a presentation from the Library Services Manager, which outlined the progress on the Community Libraries Lottery Funded Project “CORE – Community Opportunities through Reading and Engagement” at Halton Lea Library.


It was reported that the Library Service was successful in its bid for Community Libraries Lottery Funding to upgrade the facilities and services at Halton Lea Library with a grant totalling £1,271,900.93.


It was advised that the funding would be drawn down over three years following approval of the Stage 2 documentation by the Big Lottery Fund, these documents were submitted as required by 14th April 2008, and consisted of the Community Engagement Plan, Business Plan and Capital Project Delivery Plan.


The tender for building work was issued on 27th May with a deadline for return by Friday 27th June 2008. The tenders would be analysed and a contractor would be appointed by the end of July 2008. A tender review report would be submitted to the Big Lottery Fund for their approval before work can progress.


The presentation detailed the following:


·               Images of current views of the Library;

·               Images of the improved exterior and interior layouts provided by Austin Smith Lord – Designers;

·               Vision – i.e. re-branding the library service, increase awareness, vibrant interiors that would inspire users, changing people’s perceptions, and support the community;

·               Site plans and floor plans;

·               Children’s library and teenage section;

·               Outdoor seating area and new coffee bar;

·               New and improved IT suite;

·               Meeting room facilities; and

·               Facilities for a training kitchen.


Members were advised that the official start date on site was anticipated to be the end of August 2008. To ensure that a Library service could still be provided with the minimum of disruption to customers, the building work would be undertaken in two phases. Phase 1 covering the ground floor and first floor would take place from August 2008 until January 2009 and Phase 2 covering the second and third floors from January 2009 until May 2009.


It was reported that the library would be closed for three weeks from 8th December 2008 in order to relocate all the stock to the vacant unit available in the Shopping Centre as arrangements had been made to provide a library from this unit. It was advised that this would provide an excellent opportunity to raise awareness about the library and the refurbishment work and to promote and market the service from a different location to new audiences.


A full range of stock, newspapers and audio/visual materials would be available from this temporary location with rhyme time, class visits, reader development and other promotional activities still being delivered during this time.


The first floor would be re-opened in January 2009 , providing access to meeting rooms, computer facilities, Community History and study spaces.


The Board raised the following issues:


·               Were the Library staff happy with the amount of reduced storage office space?

·               How much of the work carried out so far was linked to Best Practice elsewhere – for example in other authorities who had had similar funding?

·               Was there any access to the Library other than through Halton Lea for instances when shops were closed?

·               Would there be any refurbishment of the new store and would there be any provision of IT Services in the new store?

·               Was there any linkage into the Building Schools for the Future and how closely had work been carried out with the Children and Young People Directorate?

·               What where the IT improvements that the project would bring?


In response, the following was noted:


·               The current  storage space had not been utilised effectively, this would be converted into office and work areas and staff were confident that the arrangements were adequate and staff would be deployed efficiently;

·               The service would still be offered via the Runcorn Old Town Library during the closure of Halton Lea Library and additional staff were to be deployed to Runcorn Old Town, customers would be encouraged to take more books out and due back dates would be extended;

·               Best Practice had been looked into as had other schemes all over the country and ideas had been picked up from this, discussions had taken place with colleagues from other authorities also in receipt of the Public Library Lottery Funding;

·               Access can be gained directly through the Busway down to the level of the library, and prominent signage would be implemented. Access would be in  the form of a lift and stairs;

·               The current old Fads Shop Unit would provide a full range of stock but ICT Services would not be available. However, promotional activities and publicity events would take place in the centre of Halton Lea providing an opportunity to promote the library to a different audience;

·               The Library Service is part of the Stakeholder Group for Building Schools for the Future and also works very closely with the Children and Young Peoples Directorate and was very aware about how the support from these groups would strengthen the links; and

·               Improved public access computers, self-issue and return facilities, wireless access for laptops and a self-booking service for computers.


Arising from the discussion, it was noted that this would be an opportunity to enhance the provision of the public art used in the Borough as there would be more opportunities for public art to be tied in with the refurbishment. Members noted the importance of prioritising the HBC signage.


The Board also discussed the options of library services being available regardless of the opening hours of Halton Lea. Members requested that after the change of venue during the closure period to the empty retail unit in Halton Lea, that a report be brought back providing statistics regarding the usage of the Unit.


The Chairman thanked Paula Reilly-Cooper for an informative report.




(1)            the report be received;


(2)            consideration be given to provide an opportunity for more public             art within the refurbishment;


            (3)            better usage of the mobile library during the temporary transfer                       of the             library; and


            (4)            a report be brought back after usage of the temporary transfer of             the library providing statistics of usage.

Supporting documents: