Agenda item

Liverpool City Region Governance Model and Multi-Area Agreement


The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director – Corporate and Policy advising on the proposed governance arrangements and next steps in the development of the Liverpool City Region Governance Model, and providing an update on the development of a Liverpool City Region Multi Area Agreement (MAA).


It was noted that, following the publication of the Local Government White Paper, Government had commissioned a Sub-National Economic Development and Regeneration Review (SNR) setting out proposals for how existing sub-national structures in England could be improved in order to strengthen economic performance in regions, cities and local areas throughout the country. The SNR stated that there would be certain issues that could best be tackled at a regional, sub-regional and local level.


In regard to sub-regional working, the ensuing SNR consultation document outlined options to establish permanent sub-regional structures through, for example, the introduction of a City Region Cabinet. It also encouraged the adoption of more formal arrangements for collaborative working between neighbouring Local Authorities and partners in the form of Multi Area Agreements (MAAs).


Leaders and Chief Executives of the six Greater Merseyside Authorities had been working together to agree a new governance model for the Liverpool City Region. Further work was also being undertaken to prepare a constitution for the Liverpool City Region which would need to be ratified by each Local Authority. It was proposed that these new governance arrangements would enable Local Authorities in Greater Merseyside to operate together more formally and would enhance the way in which they collaborated with partners both within the Liverpool City Region and how they contributed to the regional agenda.


Leaders in Greater Merseyside were progressing the development of a Liverpool City Region Cabinet, which would comprise the Leaders of the six Local Authorities and the Chairman of The Mersey Partnership as the representative from the Private Sector. It was intended that a series of Strategic Boards would report to the Cabinet. The likely role of the Cabinet was outlined for Members’ consideration. It was envisaged that the Cabinet would operate in shadow form from May 2009 and as a fully incorporated structure by May 2010.


In addition, it was advised that there was a strong interrelationship between the introduction of a City Region Governance Model and the development of the MAA. A significant proportion of the MAA document highlighted current and future governance structures proposing that, through the introduction of effective governance and strong leadership in the Liverpool City Region, this would have a positive impact on the successful operation of an MAA.


The MAA aimed to enhance the contribution of the City Region to meeting regional and national economic growth targets and involved the six Greater Merseyside Authorities coming together on a voluntary basis to agree collective targets and performance indicators.


Overall, the MAA focused on key priorities for the City Region in terms of Economic Development, Employment and Skills and Housing and Transport. A draft document was appended to the report for consideration and a submission to Government was expected in late September/October 2008.




1)                 the proposed governance arrangements and next steps in the development of the Liverpool City Region Governance Model be noted; and


2)                 the update on the development of a Liverpool City Region Multi Area Agreement be noted.

Supporting documents: