Agenda item

Primary Organisation - KEY DECISION


The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director – Children and Young People providing a summary of the current primary school organisation, the number of primary places, and the current and projected primary school numbers in Halton. In addition, the report updated Members on the Primary Capital Strategy including the drivers for prioritising future investment and process for revising and resubmitting the Strategy to the Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF).


It was noted that the Audit Commission and DCSF guidance recommended that there should be no more than 10% surplus provision across an authority and that schools should not have more than 25% surplus places. In Halton the level of surplus capacity in primary schools had varied over the last few years. Following revisions to the net capacity of a number of primary schools, there were 1400 surplus places across the Borough, representing a 12.6% surplus, and 8 schools had surplus capacity in excess of 25%.


Predicting the likely level of future primary provision using PCT live birth data and applying the previous rate of school admission to births, the future primary numbers were estimated to be on average 1462 per year, equating to 8% surplus capacity. Although this figure was below the recommended 10%, it was predicted that there would still be schools within the Borough with over 25% surplus capacity. In addition, although there were surplus places in some areas, in others there was a shortage of provision and so increases in school places to meet needs required exploration.


The Board was advised that the DCSF had set a target for Halton that 15% of primary schools in the worst condition should be rebuilt or taken out of use and that a further 35% should be remodelled to bring them up to 21st century standards. A range of key drivers, to be included in an investment matrix, had therefore been identified to support the delivery of the national targets and allow Halton to meet its local priorities, details of which were provided within the report.


In addition, the Authority would consider the suitability of its primary provision in relation to special educational needs and disabilities, unmet extended and community services need, health through improved dining and play provision, and access to ICT. Priority would also be given to removing temporary accommodation, increasing specialist accommodation and providing more flexible learning spaces.


The Board was advised that the outcome of the assessment of the Primary Capital Programme (PCP), undertaken by Capita on behalf of the DCSF, had identified that further work was needed on the Strategy before any funding could be confirmed, and details of work to be undertaken to strengthen the Strategy was outlined within the report. However, it was noted that the vision and context of the Strategy had been assessed as sound.


Members were advised that the revisions to the Primary Capital Strategy must be submitted to the DCSF by the end of January 2009 along with the matrix for prioritisation and the priorities for the first four years of investment. Following further analysis of pupil places and projected numbers a detailed report was to be presented to the Board on the opportunities and options for future primary re-organisation.


Reason(s) for Decision


Following further evaluation of Halton’s PCP it had been suggested that revisions be made to the original submission to strengthen this document prior to funding being approved.


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected


This was a DCSF requirement.


Implementation Date


The Primary Capital Strategy must be submitted to the DCSF by 31st January 2009.




(1)       the current and proposed level of primary surplus places across the Authority be noted and a further more detailed report on the current and predicted capacity of each school be provided;


(2)       the key drivers for an investment priorities matrix as outlined in paragraph 3.5 of the report be agreed; and


(3)       the Strategic Director – Children and Young People be authorised, in consultation with the Executive Board Member for Children and Young People, to make the revision to the Primary Capital Strategy required by the DCSF and resubmit the revised Strategy to the DCSF by the deadline of 31st January 2009.

Supporting documents: