Agenda item

Daresbury Science and Innovation Campus


The Board received two presentations from Mr Henry Gun-why (STFC Daresbury Laboratory)  and Mr John Leak (Daresbury Innovation Centre).


The first presentation by Mr Gun-why gave the Board an update on STFC progress and future vision for Daresbury Science and Innovation Centre which:


·        Outlined the Council science and technology facilities;


·        Set out the STFC mission summary;


·        Set out and explained the issues and challenges in respect of the merger;


·        Gave a history of the Daresbury Laboratory and the open days and celebrations that had taken place;


·        Showed photographs of the Laboratory in 1960 – 1970’s and aerial views of 2002 and 2007;


·        Detailed the impact of the SRS closure;


·        Outlined the current research facilities;


·        Showed photographs of the proposed detector Technology Centre, Technology Gateway Centres, the proposed Hartree Centre and the New Daresbury Reception Building – October 2004; and


·        Outlined the science and innovation campus model.


The second presentation by Mr Leake gave the Board an update on progress and the future vision for Daresbury SIC which:-


·        Gave an update on the companies within the Daresbury Innovation Centre in respect of the planned closure of the Synchrotron, the formation of the new body STFC, the development of the campus model and the ambitious vision for the future;


·        Gave an introduction and overview of the campus;


·        Outlined that the centre opened in April 2005 and comprised of 77 high tech companies and focussed on healthcare, digital/ICT, instrumentation/electronics and energy and environmental technologies; an


·        Explained what campus companies looked like and the vision for the future which included developing a major international ‘Technology Village’ which would be delivered through JV and Strategic Partnership and would engage with all stakeholders especially Halton Borough Council.


·        Set out the next stage of the development in respect of private investment of £25m from St Modwen Properties and the establishment of Vanguard House by 2009; ;


Arising from the discussion, reference was made to a number of issues including:-


·        It was noted that the proposals could create significant job opportunities in the Borough, provide an opportunity to develop the East Runcorn area and infrastructure used by local people and public transport facilities;


·        The percentages in respect of private and central funding to the Centre was noted;


·        The importance of all stakeholders all having the same aims and objectives in respect of the development of the centre was noted;


·        The issues in respect of Rutherford and Daresbury competing for investment was noted;


·        It was noted that the redundancies, although regretful, had been handled sensitively and in a civilised manner;


·        In respect of the Student Mentoring Programme launch with local A Level students from local colleges, it was agreed that it would be beneficial to involve young people at primary school age in the science programme instead of at the A Level stage. It was suggested that a meeting could be arranged with relevant parties to look at ways of extending the programme to children of primary school age. It was also agreed that it would be beneficial for the Operational Director, to look at incorporating this within the Topic Group;


·        It was noted that the Council would be monitoring the development of the STFC to ensure a consistent focus on Daresbury and provide a legacy that the Borough could be proud of;


·        In respect of  addressing the skill gap in the Borough to enable to get people into jobs it was noted that it was important to raise standards and awareness in the Borough.  It was suggested that this could be addressed by the schools holding a science competition in which they could use the laboratory and mentoring programme and which would result in a link with the companies.  This would help to demonstrate to young people the potential opportunities that were available in the Borough.  It was also suggested that Halton Schools be aligned to Higher Education Institutes in order to heighten awareness;


·        The situation in respect of Jodrell Bank was noted;


·        It was noted that it was vital that the site had a good public transport infrastructure to enable young people access to the potential job opportunities.  Facilities would need to ensure that transport to the site would be quick and efficient;


·        It was noted that the majority of people currently working on the site did not live in Halton;


·        It was agreed that Members of the Board visit the site in the future;


·        Concern was raised that the Daresbury site had a Cheshire postcode and telephone number which resulted in the perception that it was not part of Halton.  It was agreed that the Operational Director look into this matter to ascertain what could be done to address this issue; and


·        It was suggested that the history of Mr Charles Barker, from Halton, who received a nobel prize in physics could be used in a marketing campaign to raise awareness of opportunities and achievements.




(1)                    the presentation be noted;


(2)                    Mr Gun-why and Mr Leake be thanked for their informative presentations;


(3)                    The progress on the development of the STFC be monitored by the Board;


(4)                    The Operational Director look into the possibility of the Postcode and telephone number of the Daresbury site being changed to indicate it was part of Halton;


(5)                    A site visit be arranged for Members of the Board at a future date;


(6)                    The Operational Director, Regeneration and Development look at how the topic group could support the involvement of young people of primary school age into the Mentoring Programme; and


(7)                    The possibility of using the history of Mr Charles Barker for future marketing events be considered.

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