Agenda item

Valuing People Now


The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director – Health and Community regarding the recently issued Government Guidance on the transfer of responsibility for commissioning social care services from the Primary Care Trust (PCT) to the local authority (LA) and the implications for Halton.


It was noted that, in August 2008, the Department of Health had issued guidance on the transfer of responsibility for commissioning social care for adults with a learning disability from NHS to local government and the transfer of appropriate funding. Halton and St. Helens PCT and the LA were now required to:


a)         reach agreement via PCT and LA respective governance arrangements on the amounts to be transferred for 2009/10 and inform the Department of Health by 1st December, 2008; and


b)         put arrangements in place (if they did not already exist) so that the transfer was effective from April 2009 and local transfers of the amount agreed could be made for 2009/10 (and 2010/11).


It was expected that the transfer would include an appropriate allowance to meet commissioning and planning costs previously incurred by the PCT and that the transfer would be based on the actual spend in 2007/08 and amended by any other changes locally agreed to reflect necessary investment decisions. The amount transferred would be agreed locally and not by a national formula.


The Board was advised that this transfer of funding would be made locally for two years and would include an uplift for inflation beyond 2011. Once agreements had been reached and results analysed at a national level, the Department of Health would consult on determination of allocations for the future.


Halton PCT and the Council had already entered into a Section 75 Agreement on all service areas. For learning disabilities this meant that the LA was the lead commissioner. A pooled budget arrangement had been in place since 2003 and was currently subject to a three-year financial plan. This pooled budget stood at £12.5m but had been subject to pressure, which was likely to continue giving growing need and cost. However, the Council and the PCT had agreed a number of issues which would facilitate this current negotiation and these were outlined for Members’ information.


The Board noted that a working group made up of Directorate and Corporate representatives had been established to drive forward the agreement with the PCT and it was anticipated that the work would be completed by the end of November 2008. It was advised that there were a number of issues which remained to be resolved which would need to be considered as integral to the negotiations including:


a)            retraction of Supporting People funding;

b)            infrastructure costs; and

c)         current contributions by the PCT.



(1)       the requirements to reach agreement by 1st December 2008 be noted; and


(2)            powers be delegated to the Portfolio Holder, Health and Social Care and the Strategic Director - Health and Community to settle and submit the Council’s submission to the Department of Health in response to the Valuing People Now consultation document.

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