Agenda item

Waste Management Communications Campaign


The Sub-Committee considered a report of the Strategic Director – Environment seeking approval for the waiving of relevant procurement standing orders in relation to a waste management communications campaign.


It was noted that Halton Borough Council’s Municipal Waste Management Strategy highlighted the need for effective communications and awareness-raising to facilitate a positive behaviour change in Halton. The Council had invested significantly to deliver a programme of enhanced kerbside recycling services to meet future targets; however, the Council would only be successful in achieving targets if it had the co-operation of the residents of Halton.


Essential to achieving increased co-operation and participation was a raised awareness of waste related issues and the report set out the details of a proposed comprehensive and targeted communications and marketing campaign to bring about such increased awareness amongst the residents of the Borough.


The Sub-Committee was advised that EnviroComms, an external communications specialist, had been commissioned to deliver training to a number of key Council officers focusing upon the principles of successful communication and publicity. EnviroComms had also been asked to provide proposals to deliver a campaign in Halton to achieve a number of outcomes, which were outlined for Members’ information. Subsequently, EnviroComms had submitted a proposal that was made up of a number of key components including:


  • a Halton “Brand” Development;
  • public roadshows;
  • direct marketing to each household in the Borough; and
  • “doorstepping” and community engagement activities.


A key part of the proposal would be a team of trained individuals directly engaging with residents through a programme of visits to households within the Borough. This would assist in identifying attitudes towards recycling and existing barriers to recycling, and would increase awareness and use of existing and future recycling services. In addition, an integrated media and advertising campaign would also be managed and delivered jointly by the Council’s Press and Public Relations Manager and relevant waste management officers who had co-ordinated such activities to date.


The Sub-Committee noted that EnviroComms had a proven track record of delivering successful campaigns for local authorities that had resulted in significant increases in recycling performance. The overall cost of the proposal for Halton, which would run for approximately 18 months, was anticipated to be £140,000. Standing Orders required that a tendering exercise be undertaken where services of this value were to be procured; however, the aim of the campaign was to exceed Halton’s Local Area Agreement (LAA) recycling targets and, in order to do so, would require its commencement at the earliest opportunity. Any further delay resulting from a potentially lengthy tendering exercise could jeopardise the Council’s achievement of such targets. Furthermore, the early introduction of the campaign would increase the level of recyclable materials collected and the Council would benefit from an increased reduction in landfill disposal charges.


The first meeting with Government Office North West to review the Council’s actions to meet the stretched performance targets contained within the Halton LAA was to take place on 26th November 2008 and it was important to be able to demonstrate that plans were in place by that time. Members were advised that the financial investment in this campaign was considered to represent value for money as a cost/value ratio analysis had revealed that increased landfill disposal cost savings were achievable as a result.




(1)               relevant procurement standing orders be waived and EnviroComms be appointed to deliver a Communications Campaign for Halton; and


(2)               the Strategic Director – Environment be authorised, in consultation with the Executive Board Member for Environment, to take all steps necessary to develop and implement a Communications Campaign in Halton.

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