Agenda item

Quarterly Monitoring reports


The Board considered a report which outlined the progress of Performance Management 2nd Quarter against the Service Plan objectives and performance targets, performance trends/comparisons, factors affecting the services, etc, for:

·                    Exchequer and Customer Services;

·                    Financial Services;

·                    ICT Services;

·                    Legal and Member Services;

·                    Personnel Services;

·                    Policy and Performance;

·                    Halton Stadium; and

·                    Property Services.

The Board, in considering these reports, identified areas of interest or concern as detailed below:

Exchequer and Customer Services: The Board requested a list of age debtors as at 30 September 2008 be circulated and that this information be included with performance monitoring reports.

Financial Services: The Board requested that treasury management information be provided to the Board on an annual or bi-annual basis.

 Property Services: The Board asked what action was being taken to increase occupancy levels at Runcorn Market.

Stadium and Hospitality: The Board asked for confirmation of the level of funding allocated to improving marketing with Widnes Vikings and what progress had been made in hosting a pitch based ‘pop concert’.

In response to these requests it was noted that written responses would be provided.

The Board noted the excellent school meals service being provided by Halton Stadium and thanked staff for their hard work.

          RESOLVED: The 2nd Quarter Performance Management Reports be received.

Supporting documents: