Agenda item



The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Health and Community which updated the Members on the performance of Community Centres in 2007/08 and issues impacting across the service.


            The Board was advised that there were five Council operational Community Centres: Upton, Ditton, Castlefields, Grangeway and Murdishaw.  Across the service 31 staff were employed and there were 17 active volunteers.  A grant was also provided to Churchill Hall which was run by the TH Brown Trust.


            The Board was further advised that the Community Centres were safe, accessible facilities located in the heart of the Borough’s communities.  They served both the local and wider community and promoted inclusion, equality and diversity and community cohesion.  The Community Centres service contributed to the six key council priorities as outlined in the report.


            The Board was also advised of the Community Centres Performance, the quality and standards for customer care, the development of a Luncheon Club at Murdishaw, the planning of the new Community Centre for Castlefields, the Youth Hub at Grangeway, the programming and investment into the Community Centres, the service improvements and future developments in the Community Centres.


            Arising from the discussion, the following comments were noted:-


·        Castlefields Community Centre – it was noted that there had been a reduction in visits which had been largely due to the withdrawal of a Community Café Service because the external funding had ended and a lottery bid had been unsuccessful. A limited refreshment service was being provided whilst opportunities to re-establish a café service was being developed. It was agreed that this matter be resolved as soon as possible and a café service re-established;


·        the importance of quality standards for customer care and consideration being given to a Charter Mark for sport and leisure facilities was noted;


·        concern was raised regarding the partial closure of Upton Community Centre for redecoration. The Board requested that Property Services make every effort to resolve the problem and agreed that a report on this matter be presented to the next meeting;


·        the Board requested that the Children and Young People’s Directorate give consideration to any opportunities to expand the community centre service within the Building Schools for the Future Programme; and


·        the Board discussed the benefits and agreed that the Authority look at ways of encouraging Halton Housing Trust and Registered Social Lords to have joint funding arrangements to improve local surveillance for external cameras that would be routed through Community Centre Monitoring Systems.




(1)               the Café Service at Castlefelds Community Centre be re-established as soon as possible;


(2)               Property Services be requested to make every effort to resolve the roof problems at Upton Community Centre and a report on this matter be presented to the next meeting of the Board;


(3)               the Children and Young People’s Directorate be requested to give consideration to any opportunities to expand the community centre service within the Building Schools for the Future Programme; and


(4)               the Authority look at ways of encouraging Halton Housing Trust and Registered Social Landlords to have joint funding arrangements to improve local surveillance for external cameras that would be routed through Community Centre Monitoring Systems.

Supporting documents: