Agenda item



The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Health and Community which gave Members an update of initial developments in Halton to respond to the award of the Olympic Games in London in 2012.


The Board was advised that the London Olympics would take place on 27th July – 12 August 2012.  The Para Olympics would take place on 29th August – 9 September 2012.


The Board was advised of the activities that had taken place to encourage and support sport as follows:-


·        A Sports Development Grant Scheme;

·        A Platinum Card Scheme for elite performers;

·        Rate Relief for Clubs;

·        Free pitch hire for junior sports matches; and

·        Significant sport-related capital investment for pitch drainage, athletics track, all weather pitches, multi use games areas, skate parks, flood lit training facilities and changing rooms.


The Board was further advised that an early proposed initiative was to establish an Olympic Fund to support Halton residents to get more involved because of the Olympics and to support local athletes to aspire to compete in the Olympic Games. 


It was reported that the Executive Board at its meeting of 29 March 2007 had agreed to support the idea of an Olympic Fund.  By attracting funds from a number of sources (NRF, Priorities, Sports Partnership, Sport England), a budget of £90,000 had been established. Grants had already been awarded to young people involved in table tennis, cycling and special gymnastics.  The intention now would be to seek sponsorship from other partners and local businesses to continue to ‘top-up’ the fund up to 2012.


The Board was further advised that Halton had successfully put itself forward as a potential pre-games training camp.  The Stobart Halton stadium and Regional Table Tennis Centre had also been included in the 2012 Training Camp Guide which had been produced by the Olympic Committee.


Arising from the discussion, the following comments were noted:-


·        The importance of links with schools and organisations to target and support  individuals with potential in sporting activities was noted.  In addition it was also noted that elite athletes in the Borough could be used as role models to encourage other individuals to aspire to compete in the Olympic Games;


·        The difficulties elite athletes had in obtaining individuals for quality practice was noted;


·        It was noted that, as yet sponsorship from other partners and local businesses to continue to ‘top up’ the fund to 2012 had not been established.  This would be considered when the programme had been developed;


·        It was noted that the Authority worked closely with the Schools Sports Co-ordinator, Clubs and National Governing Bodies to try to ensure that individuals with potential and transferable skills were identified;


·        It was agreed that a report on the work being undertaken by the schools to identify and support potential athletes be presented to a future meeting of the Board;


·        It was noted that the Olympics could be used as an opportunity to identify elite athletes and this be used as a catalyst to encourage other people to participate;


·        The importance of the Volunteer Programme was noted and it was agreed that it should be accessible to all age groups;


·        It was suggested that there should be Big Screens available in Widnes and Runcorn so that local people could enjoy the televised Olympics as a collective experience;


·        The Board took the opportunity to congratulate Lucy Martin on her excellent achievements in sport; and


·        The Board approved of the activities outlined in 3.4 (2) of the report.




(1)               a report on the work being undertaken by the schools to identify and support potential athletes be presented to a future of the meeting of the Board;


(2)               it be noted that the Board approves of the following activities to support individuals who could genuinely aspire to participate in the 2012 Olympics, including volunteers:-


·        free entry to the Council’s sports facilities;

·        support for coaching and practice partners;

·        advice and support from mentors;

·        physiotherapy and access to medical advice;

·        support to cover the costs of competing and equipment;

·        access to sports science expertise;

·        health and medical advice including nutrition and diet; and

·        appropriate travel costs to support training and participation;


(3)               consideration be given to the use of Big Screens being utilised in Widnes and Runcorn to show the televised Olympics; and


(4)       Lucy Martin be congratulated on her excellent achievement in sport.

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