Agenda item

Special Education Needs Review within Secondary Schools - KEY DECISION


The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director – Children and Young People providing a summary of the progress of the review of Special Educational Needs (SEN) in secondary schools. It was noted that the local authority had been undertaking a review of SEN provision within the Borough. Views were now being sought on the location of the proposed secondary unit provision.


The review of SEN provision within secondary schools “units” was only one part of the broader range of provision available to young people with special education needs within the Borough: the Council was committed to providing a range of SEN services that could meet the individual needs of particular children and their families. This started with mainstream inclusive services within all schools and was then complemented by SEN Unit provision within particular secondary schools. The Council also had a range of special education needs schools.


The proposals contained within the report for SEN units in secondary schools had been developed on the basis of an analysis of need.  Needs changed over time, which was reflected in the number of surplus places there were at the moment. The SEN Units Review was therefore intended to bring need into line with the provision the Authority had within the mainstream schools.


The reasons for the review, together with the stages of the review that had already taken place, were outlined within the report for Members’ information, and the present position of units in primary and secondary mainstream schools was described in Appendix 1. It was noted that the responses to the first stage of informal consultation on secondary resource position had been received and analysed. The majority of those who had responded were in full support of the change of provision proposed; however, it was suggested that the distribution of the secondary unit provision across the Borough needed further consideration and that, although the numbers would remain the same, the unit provision for autism and speech and language should be offered in both Widnes and Runcorn.


Consultation was now taking place on a proposal for future provision as outlined in the report, and information was also provided in relation to the schools that had expressed an interest in developing particular specialisms in line with this.


It was noted that when it had been shown, through assessment, that a pupil’s needs could not be met in a mainstream school, alternative provision would be sought. Prior to this decision there would be an expectation that “reasonable adjustments”, i.e. the application of the Disability Discrimination Act, would be made using the totality of resources made available to the mainstream school. On closure of the informal consultation period, and pending no adverse feedback, it was proposed that the formal consultation process commence leading to Statutory Notice if required.


Reason for Decision


At present there were surplus places within mainstream units. Mainstream SEN units were not matching the present and future requirements of the Borough. This was also required as part of the developing Building Schools for the Future (BSF).


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected


An alternative option was to leave provision as it was; however, this would potentially leave the Council vulnerable to challenge.


Implementation Date


The proposals for secondary SEN resourced provision had to be agreed by April 2009 and implemented by September 2011 in line with plans for BSF.




(1)       the proposals and recommendations within the report be ratified; and


(2)            approval be given to proceed to formal consultation of the secondary school SEN review leading to Statutory Notice if appropriate.

Supporting documents: