Members were advised at the meeting of the Executive Board on the 29th March 2007 it was approved that a Contract Procurement Strategy with Mersey Waste Disposal Authority (MWDA) for the provision of services and facilities for the recycling and treatment of waste for Merseyside and Halton was approved.
Members were further advised that in order to secure Halton’s involvement in contractual arrangements required to meet recycling and waste diversion targets, Executive Board Members, at their meeting on the 19th July 2007, approved the delegation of defined aspects of the Council’s waste disposal functions to allow the MWDA to procure two principal waste contracts on behalf of itself and Halton, a Waste Management and Recycling Contract and a Resource Recovery Contract.
The arrangement approved by the Executive Board authorised the MWDA to enter into both contracts on behalf of Halton Borough Council and the purpose of this report was to advise members of the current stage of the procurement process in relation to the Waste Management and Recycling Contract. It was noted that the WMRC included the operation and management of Household Waste Recycling Centres, the provision and management of Materials Recycling Facilities, the management of Waste Transfer Stations and the option for the provision of facilities for the treatment of kitchen waste. The contract was for a period of 20 years.
Members were advised that for Halton, this contract would
provide for the management of the two Household Waste Recycling Centres at
The procurement of the WMRC had been through a competitive dialogue process and had involved a number of steps, as outlined in the report.
From a provisional list of 45 potential bidders, 9 companies returned Pre-Qualification Questionnaires for the Waste Management and Recycling Contract. Following an invitation to Submit Outline Solutions (ISOS) Evaluation, four companies were selected to go forward to the next stage and were issued with an invitation to Submit Detailed Solutions (ISDS). These were:
Only three companies,
SITA, Veolia and Waste Recycling Group responded to ISDS. Following further
evaluation, SITA and Veolia were identified as the final two bidders and both
had completed the Call for Final Tender stage.
Following final evaluation of technical, legal and financial submissions a preferred bidder would be announced following consideration of a report by the MWDA. The forecasted timetable was set out in the report.
The MWDA had delegated authority to enter into the WMRC on behalf of Halton Borough Council and the decision would be made by MWDA Board Members on 15th April 2009 and would secure Halton’s inclusion in that contract for a period of 20 years.
Members were advised that a further report, outlining the specific service delivery plans for Halton, together with financial and other information, would be provided to Members following the award of the contract.
(1) the progress made with the of a Waste Management and Recycling Contract for Merseyside and Halton be noted; and
(2) the MWDA Board at their meeting on 15th April 2009, be expected to determine the bidder which had submitted the most economically advantageous tender in response to the MWDA’s Call for Final Tenders in the WMRC procurement and would enter into the WMRC with that bidder on behalf of itself and Halton, be noted.
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