Agenda item

National Support Team for Health Inequalities


            The Board received a report of the Strategic Director of Health and Community which provided information on the key messages arising from the visit by the National Support Team (NST) for Health Inequalities during the week beginning 9th February 2009. The report also outlined the proposals for the next steps that the PCT and its partners needed to take in response to the recommendations arising from the visit.


            It was reported that NSTs had, in the past, provided tailored support to local NHS organisations facing the greatest challenge to achieve key deliver areas. The Department of Health determined that such a process may be beneficial for public health and had set up 7 public health NSTs as follows, sexual health, tobacco control, health inequalities, teenage pregnancy, childhood obesity, alcohol harm reduction and infant mortality.


            It was advised that the NST for Health Inequalities was one of a number of support teams established by the Department of Health to help PCTs and Local Authorities designated as spearhead areas deliver on public health priorities and targets. It was noted that the NST for Health Inequalities focused on the public service agreement (PSA) targets aimed at reducing the gap in life expectancy and mortality from the major causes of death. The Board was informed that the visit was not an audit nor was it part of performance management but it was designed to support the local health economy to improve performance.


            The NST had provided a report based on the findings of the interviews and the workshops. The report outlined the key strengths of the local health economy and other areas with potential for improvement. It was noted that the NST had also identified areas where support could be provided.


            The Board was advised that the visit focused on the Halton and St. Helens Primary Care Trust and local authority areas and took place over four days. A team of reviewing officers conducted a series of one to one interviews with selected individuals and various agencies. It was reported that in addition to the Community Engagement Focus Group, six workshops were also facilitated which covered various diseases detailed in the report. It was noted these workshop themes were areas that had been identified nationally as they offered the greatest opportunity for change and positive impact on health and life expectancy in the short term. The Board was advised that feedback was provided at a plenary session and a follow-up meeting was scheduled for June 2009 for reflection and a discussion of proposed actions in response to the findings.


            The Board were informed that the NST had commented that they had found the visit to be a very positive experience and some of the strengths highlighted were set out in the report for Members’ consideration.


            In addition, detailed within the report were the main recommendations and implementation of the recommendations plus next steps.


            RESOLVED: That


1)     the Executive Board receive the feedback reports from the NST Health Inequalities Team;


2)     the Executive Board approve the next steps in responding to the recommendations as outlined in section 7; and


3)     the Board receive a further report in July 2009.

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