Issue - decisions

Refurbishment of Halton Borough Council Care Homes

21/06/2022 - Refurbishment of Halton Borough Council Care Homes - Key Decision

The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director – People, which gave details of a proposed refurbishment programme to Halton Borough Council’s four care homes.


Halton Council was now the largest care home provider in the Borough for older people, following the acquisitions of Millbrow, St Luke’s, St Patrick’s and Madeline McKenna Care Homes.  The Council was now presented with an opportunity to lead the sector, however to be able to ensure that a high level and quality of care continued to be provided, further significant investment was required.


The report set out the rationale behind the proposals, and their initial costings and funding proposals were set out in paragraph 6.1.


Reason for Decision


A decision was required, as the outcome would result in the Local Authority incurring expenditure.  The expenditure will provide valuable services to Halton residents and enhance the care homes estate.


Alternative options considered and rejected


No alternative options were available to support the improvement required to Council owned care homes.


Implementation date


None agreed, subject to procurement procedures.




1)    the proposed refurbishment programme for the Council’s four care homes, as outlined in the report, be approved;


2)    Council be recommended to include the proposed scheme within the capital programme, with a total estimated cost of £4.2m over three years, to be funded as outlined in paragraph 6.1; and


3)    a further report be presented to the Board, to provide details of the proposed refurbishment works, once the scheme has been developed.