The Board considered a report from the Operational Director – Finance, which advised of new capital grant allocations and slippage to capital projects for 2021/22, that had been rolled forward to 2022/23. All the separate elements were presented together and details of the Council’s total planned capital programme expenditure and associated funding over the next three years was given.
Table 1 presented the planned Capital Programme for 2022-23 onwards for both Directorates, based on current information for approved schemes, funding available and slippage of scheme expenditure from 2021-22. Table 2 summarised how the capital programme would be funded and Table 3 showed the expected balance of capital receipts over the next 3 years.
It was noted that the capital programme was subject to continuous change as new resources and projects were identified and would be updated throughout the year as revisions were approved by Council.
1) Council be recommended to approve the updated Capital Programme for 2022-25, including forecast spend and funding, as set out in Table 1 and Table 2; and
2) the Operational Director – Finance, in liaison with the Portfolio Holder for Environment and Urban Renewal, finalise the detailed implementation programme of Highways and Transportation schemes to be delivered in 2022-23.