Decision Maker: Council
Made at meeting: 08/03/2023 - Council
Decision published: 26/05/2023
Effective from: 08/03/2023
The Council considered a report of the Chief Executive, on the calendar of meetings for the 2023/24 Municipal Year.
RESOLVED: That the calendar of meetings for the 2023/24 Municipal Year, as appended to the report, be approved.
Decision Maker: Council
Made at meeting: 08/03/2023 - Council
Decision published: 26/05/2023
Effective from: 08/03/2023
The Council considered a report of the Operational Director, Finance, on the Treasury Management Statement, which incorporated the Annual Investment Strategy and the Minimum Revenue Provision Strategy for 2023/24.
RESOLVED: That Council adopt the policies, strategies, statements, prudential and treasury indicators, outlined in the report.
Decision Maker: Council
Made at meeting: 08/03/2023 - Council
Decision published: 26/05/2023
Effective from: 08/03/2023
The Council considered a report of the Operational Director, Finance, which sought approval for a number of revisions to the Council’s 2022/23 Capital Programme.
RESOLVED: That the revisions to the Council’s 2022/23 Capital Programme, as set out in paragraph 3.2 of the report, be approved.
Decision Maker: Council
Made at meeting: 08/03/2023 - Council
Decision published: 26/05/2023
Effective from: 08/03/2023
The Council considered a report of the Operational Director, Finance, on the Council’s Capital Strategy for 2023/24.
Members noted that the Capital Strategy should be read in conjunction with the Treasury Management Statement, also considered at this meeting. The successful delivery of the Capital Strategy would assist the Council in planning and funding its capital expenditure over the next three years.
RESOLVED: That Council approve the 2023/24 Capital Strategy, as presented in the Appendix attached to the report.
Decision Maker: Council
Made at meeting: 08/03/2023 - Council
Decision published: 26/05/2023
Effective from: 08/03/2023
The Executive Board had considered a report setting out a recommendation to Council in respect of the revenue budget, capital programme and council tax for 2023/24.
The Executive Board had recommended that Council adopt the resolution set out in Appendix A of the report, which included setting the budget at £140.880m, the Council Tax requirement of £60.714m (before Parish, Police, Fire and LCR Combined Authority precepts) and the Band D Council Tax for Halton of £1,675.29.
Councillor Wharton, Leader of the Council, thanked all the Officers
involved for their support in producing this budget and wished to record his
thanks to the Members of the Executive Board, the Budget Working Group and all
Members for their contribution.
In accordance with Standing Order 16 (3), a recorded vote was taken.
The following Members voted FOR the motion:
Councillors Abbott, Ball, Baker, Begg, Bevan,
J. Bradshaw, M. Bradshaw, Bramwell, D. Cargill, E. Cargill, Carlin,
Dennett, Dourley, Fry, Garner, Gilligan, Goodall, Harris, S. Hill,
V. Hill, Hutchinson, Jones, Leck, M. Lloyd Jones,
P. Lloyd Jones, K. Loftus, Logan, A. Lowe, J. Lowe, McDermott,
Nelson, L. Nolan, Philbin, C. Plumpton Walsh, N. Plumpton Walsh, Polhill,
Ratcliffe, Rowe, G. Stockton, T. Stretch, Thompson, Wainwright, Wall,
Wallace, Wharton, Woolfall, and Wright.
The following Member voted AGAINST the motion: Councillor Davidson.
There were no abstentions.
RESOLVED: That Council:
1) adopt the resolution set out in Appendix A, which includes setting the budget at £140.880m, the Council Tax requirement of £60.714m (before Parish, Police, Fire and LCR Combined Authority precepts) and the Band D Council Tax for Halton of £1,675.29;
2) approve the capital programme set out in Appendix E;
3) approve the introduction of a Council Tax Premium of 100% to properties where there is no resident and which are substantially furnished (typically referred to as second homes) from 1 April 2024, subject to legislation being enacted; and
4) approve the Use of Capital Receipts Strategy as set out in Appendix F.