Issue details

Decision on the proposals for delivery of the Playbuilder programme and approval for the delivery of the 2008-09 play area capital projects

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Effects more than 1 ward;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Decision due: 9 October 2008 by Executive Board

Department: Children and Young People

Contact: Gerald Meehan, Strategic Director People and Economy Email:

Consultation process

Halton Play Partnership, Neighbourhood Management Boards, Housing Associations, Resident Associations, and the Parent and Carers’ Forum will all be consulted via Play Partnership meetings, Neighbourhood Management Boards and written responses.

Agenda items


  • Play Pathfinder/Builder Application; Fair Play, DCFS/DCMS; Halton Play Plan 2007-2011 - all available from Stuart Duncan at Grosvenor House, Halton Lea