Issue details

Decision on the Pre-Statutory Consultation of the proposal to close Halton High School

Consultation will take place with:


All primary, secondary and special schools staff, parents and governors.

Staff, parents and governors at Halton High School.

Academy sponsors

Diocesan Authorities

Neighbouring local authorities

PCT and Health Service providers


Consultation will be through consultation meetings and written responses.


Representations should be sent to Gerald Meehan, Strategic Director, Children and Young People.  


Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Effects more than 1 ward;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Decision due: 3 December 2009 by Executive Board

Contact: Executive Director Children's Services.

Agenda items


  • Proposal to close Halton High School to enable the development of an Academy, available from Ann McIntyre, 3rd Floor Grosvernor House or website for BSF  
  • Notes of consutaltion meetings, available from Ann McIntyre, 3rd Floor Grosvenor House or website for BSF