Issue details

Adoption of the Halton Core Strategy Local Plan including consequential deletion of specific saved Unitary Development Plan policies and assessment of consistency of the Unitary Development Plan with National Planning Policy Framework

Adoption of the Halton Core Strategy Local Plan as the key document in the Borough’s statutory development plan. Adoption will mean the deletion of a number of saved Unitary Development Plan (UDP) policies. In addition, Council is being asked to consider the degree of compliance of the remaining saved UDP policies with the new National Planning Policy Framework.

Decision type: Key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 15/11/2012

Decision due: 12 December 2012 by Council

Contact: Alasdair Cross Email:

Consultation process

No additional consultation is required. During its production, the Core Strategy Local Plan has been subject to several periods of formal consultation, the last of which (8 weeks) was concluded on 14 September 2012.


During each round of consultation, statutory and non-statutory consultees have been written to, public notices have been placed and consultation material made available on-line and in deposit locations.


  • Halton UDP April 2005; Halton Core Strategy Local Plan - Post Submission Changes July 2012; National Planning Policy Framework and Technical Guidance March 2012; The Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012; Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004. All documents available from Planning, Economic and Transport Policy on Tel 0151 551 7662