Issue details

Amalgamation of Pupil Referral Units- Consultation Feedback

Further to the paper presented to Executive Board on 28 March 2013, the Executive Board will review the consultation feedback and make a decision on the amalgamation of the Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 Pupil Referral Units.


Any person wishing to make representations should do so in writing to Gerald Meehan, Director of Children and Enterprise, Municipal Building, Kingsway, Widnes by 10 June 2013.

Decision type: Key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved (subject to call-in)

Notice of proposed decision first published: 18/04/2013

Decision due: 27 June 2013 by Executive Board

Contact: Executive Director Children's Services.

Consultation process

The following have received a letter explaining the proposals and been given the opportunity to make their views known:-

Pupil Referral Unit Management Committee, Staff, Trade Unions and Pupils and their Parents /Guardians.



  • Report to Executive Board 28 March 2013