Issue details

Adoption of Draft Town Centre Strategy Supplementary Planning Documents for Halton Lea and Runcorn Old Town

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Effects more than 1 ward;

Decision status: For Determination

Decision due: Not before 1st December, 2011 by Executive Board

Department: Environment and Economy

Contact: Tim Gibbs, Operational Director, Policy, Planning and Transportation Email:

Consultation process

Public consultation has taken place between 1 February and 15 March 2007. Documents were on display at various locations around the Borough and on the Council’s website for a six week period. Selected Council Officers and stakeholders in each town centre have also been consulted.


  • Halton UDP; Runcorn Old Town and Halton Lea Draft Town Centre Strategies (Feb 2007); Runcorn Old Town and Halton Lea Town Centre Strategies Partnership Consultation Stage (Nov 2005); Sustainability Appraisal Pre Production Scoping Reports (June 2005)