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Abbott, Councillor John Abbot
Baker, Councillor Sandra Bake
Ball, Councillor Angela Ball
Begg, Councillor Victoria Beg
Bevan, Councillor Laura Bevan
Bradshaw, Councillor John Bra
Bramwell, Councillor Irene Br
Cargill, Councillor Dave Carg
Carlin, Councillor Chris Carl
Connolly, Councillor Neil Con
Davidson, Councillor Sian Dav
Dennett, Councillor Mark Denn
Dourley, Councillor Eddie Dou
Fry, Councillor Mike Fry
Garner, Councillor Emma Garne
Gilligan, Councillor Robert G
Goodall, Councillor Louise Go
Harris, Councillor Phil Harri
Hill, Councillor Stan Hill
Hill, Councillor Valerie Hill
Hughes, Councillor Colin Hugh
Hutchinson, Councillor Noel H
Jones, Councillor Eddie Jones
Jones, Councillor Martha Lloy
Jones, Councillor Peter Lloyd
Leck, Councillor Rosie Leck
Loftus, Councillor Chris Loft
Loftus, Councillor Kath Loftu
Logan, Councillor Geoffrey Lo
Lowe, Councillor Alan Lowe
Lowe, Councillor Joan Lowe
McDermott, Councillor Tony Mc
McDonough, Councillor Katy Mc
McInerney, Councillor Angela
McInerney, Councillor Tom McI
Nelson, Councillor Stef Nelso
Nolan, Councillor Louise Nola
Nolan, Councillor Paul Nolan
Philbin, Councillor Ged Philb
Plumpton Walsh, Councillor Ca
Plumpton Walsh, Councillor No
Polhill, Councillor Rob Polhi
Ratcliffe, Councillor Margare
Rowe, Councillor Christopher
Ryan, Councillor Mike Ryan
Skinner, Councillor Aimee Ski
Stockton, Councillor Gareth S
Stretch, Councillor Tom Stret
Teeling, Councillor Angela Te
Thompson, Councillor Dave Tho
Thornton, Councillor Sharon T
Wainwright, Councillor Kevan
Wall, Councillor Andrea Wall
Wallace, Councillor Pamela Wa
Wharton, Councillor Mike Whar
Woolfall, Councillor Bill Woo
Wright, Councillor Marie Wrig
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