Meeting attendance

Tuesday, 3rd March, 2015 6.30 p.m., Corporate Policy and Performance Board

Venue:   Civic Suite, Town Hall, Runcorn

Contact:    Gill Ferguson on Email: or 0151 511 8059

Meeting attendance
Attendee Role Attendance Attendance comment
Councillor Robert Gilligan Chairman Present
Councillor Alan Lowe Vice-Chair Present
Councillor Joe Roberts Member Apologies
Councillor Ellen Cargill Member Present
Councillor Mark Dennett Member Present
Councillor Stan Hill Member Present
Councillor Chris Loftus Member Apologies due to council business
Councillor Angela McInerney Member Present
Councillor Norman Plumpton Walsh Member Present
Councillor Kevan Wainwright Member Present
Councillor Christopher Rowe Member Present
Mark Reaney Officer Present
Ian Leivesley Officer Present
Ed Dawson Officer Present
Gill Ferguson Officer Present
Chris Patino Officer Present