Register of interests

Councillor Andrea Wall

I Councillor Andrea Wall a Member of Halton Borough Council give notice that I have the following Disclosable Pecuniary Interests

1. Employment, Office, Trade, Profession or Vocation
Councillor Partner
Office Manager to Derek Twigg MP Owner Halton Aerials
Liverpool City Region Combined Authority Transport -
2. Sponsorship
Councillor Partner
Unite the Union None
GMB Union -
3. Contracts
Councillor Partner
None None
4. Land
Councillor Partner
Sensitive information held under Section 32 of the Localism Act 
5. Licences
Councillor Partner
None None
6. Corporate Tenancies
Councillor Partner
None None
7. Securities
Councillor Partner
None None
8. Other Disclosable Interests
Member of Unite the Union
Member of Labour Party
Member of Association of Labour Councillors
Member of Youth Hostel Association
Member of GMB Union
Member of the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS)
Member of the Widnes & District Horticultural Society
Governor at St Bede's Catholic Infant School - terms of office: 2015 - 2019; 2019 - 2023; 2023 - 2027
9. To the best of my knowledge, the information given in this form is complete and correct
Councillor Date
A Wall Updated 31 May 2019; 7 May 2021; 26 November 2021; 23 June 2022; 27 September 2022; 12 October 2022; 21 July 2023; 23 October 2023; 20 February 2024; 31 May 2024
10. This declaration has been registed by me, the Monitoring Officer
Monitoring Officer Date
Mark Reaney Updated 31 May 2019; 7 May 2021; 17 December 2021; 7 July 2022; 27 September 2022; 12 October 2022; 21 July 2023; 24 October 2023; 20 February 2024; 3 June 2024