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Contact: Gill Ferguson on 0151 471 7395 or e-mail
No. | Item |
MINUTES Minutes: |
Planning, Transportation, Regeneration and Renewal Portfolio |
Confirmation of Award of Contract for Replacement of Carterhouse Swing Bridge PDF 23 KB Minutes: The Sub-Committee considered a report
of the Strategic Executive Director, Environment regarding the tendering
process for the replacement of the existing bridge at the location of the
original Carterhouse Swing Bridge,
spanning the Sankey Canal at the south end of
Tanhouse Lane in Widnes. In accordance with Procurement Standing Order 2.5, tenders were invited from a list of contractors drawn from Constructionline database. As a result, three tenders were received. Following scrutiny one of the tenders was deemed invalid as it did not price all elements of the work. Evaluation of the remaining two tenders was based upon a 40-60 ratio in terms of quality and price respectively, resulting in the following ranking – 1) Cheetham Hill Construction 2) Eric Wright Civil Engineering Cheetham Hill’s target cost for the works was £288,305.00. Funding had been confirmed for the work through NWDA and Capital Priorities Fund. RESOLVED: That the circumstances of the award of the |
Land at Houghton Street, Widnes PDF 22 KB Additional documents: Minutes: |
waiver of standing orders to enable procurement of cctv monitoring services PDF 22 KB Minutes: The Sub-Committee was
advised that following implementation of the Housing Stock transfer and
associated staff changes in October 2005, Remploy Managed Services was awarded
the Town Centres and Local Areas CCTV Monitoring Contract. A new three-year
contract was negotiated in November 2006 to incorporate 24/7 days a week
monitoring. Since that time, the monitoring service had developed a more
pro-active approach to CCTV surveillance. The Remploy Team had worked hard over
the past four years to improve relationships with all the partners including
Cheshire Police, Cheshire Fire Service and the Pub Watch and Shop Watch
organisations in the Borough. Feedback from Cheshire Police and other partners indicated that the reputation of Halton Town Centres and Local Areas CCTV programme had been raised and the service was now seen as a key tool in the fight against crime in Halton. It was noted that Remploy Management Services was a public body employing people with disabilities. Therefore, apart from the operational benefits of employing Remploy there were social gains to be made in employing the organisation. In the past the organisation had received large grants from the Government for employing people with disabilities. This had helped to reduce its charges and, as a result, the contract costs offered to Halton four years ago were much lower than offered by other companies. These grants had now been substantially reduced and, as a result, the contract costs that Remploy could offer to its customers had increased. The contract costs for 24 hour, 7 day monitoring was currently £97,215.24 but was due to end in November 2009. Remploy had confirmed that should the contract be renewed, costs would increase to £109,510.64. Should the contract be tendered, TUPE conditions would apply and based on informal discussions with other local authorities, it was unlikely that competing contractors would be able to offer a lower tender price than that offered by Remploy, should staff choose to transfer. The Committee noted that a review of CCTV provision in Halton was to be undertaken. The review findings would assist the future tendering process for the procurement of CCTV monitoring services. RESOLVED: That in the light of the exceptional circumstances namely the associated social gains, Standing Orders 3.1 to 3.7 and 3.9 are waived to procure a two-year extension to existing CCTV Monitoring Services contract with Remploy Managed Services, the terms of which would be agreed with the Strategic Director for Environment, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Planning, Transportation, Regeneration and Renewal. |
health and community portfolio |
Additional documents: Minutes: - complete reviews of services transferred from the PCT and work with the providers to configure cost effective, quality support to meet individual needs; - complete research to develop an appropriate model for procurement of care and support from 1st April 2011, which complied with relevant Standing Orders whilst embracing and adhering to the principles of personalisation; - implement actions to minimise the effects of the Turnbull judgement; - set up a select list of preferred providers; and - incorporate the Council’s in-house Learning Disability Services into a preferred providers select list.
RESOLVED: That (1) in the exceptional circumstances set out in the report, for the purpose of Standing Order 1.6 Procurement Standing Orders 2.1 to 2.13 be waived on this occasion on the basis that compliance at this time would be financially detrimental to the Council. In addition, the existing contracts for care and support relating to learning disabled adults and adults with mental health needs be extended to 31st March 2011. The contracted rate to be in line with that previously agreed by the Board, plus any inflationary uplift in line with that approved by the Council in setting the 2010/11 budget; (2) delegated powers be approved to enable the Strategic Director, Health and Community, in conjunction with the Portfolio Holder for Health to award contracts for services provided by Alternative Futures and Community Integrated Care, recently transferred from the PCT under the Department of Health Directive. The contracted rate initially to be in line with the existing rate paid by the PCT and to then be reviewed following actions outlined in 3.1.10 of this report, plus any inflationary uplift in line with that approved by the Council in setting the 2010/11 budget; (3) subsequent to the expiry of contracts under 2.0 (i), (ii), and 3.1.1 and 3.1.6 of this report, services would be procured either by the individual through their personal budget/direct payment or through ‘spot purchase’ contract arrangements via a select list of preferred providers. The latter will be subject to a competitive tendering process and subject to Procurement Standing Orders; and (4) the Strategic Director, Health and Community, in conjunction with the Portfolio Holder for Health, be authorised to take such action as necessary to implement the above recommendations. |
Minutes: The Sub-Committee considered a report of the Strategic Director – Health and Community, which requested a suspension of relevant Procurement Standing Orders 3.1 to 3.7 and 3.9 to extend existing contracts for residential care at Wide Cove, Smithy Forge, Leahurst and Woodcrofts until 31st March 2011 to allow sufficient time to carry out complete extensive consultation with service users, carers and stakeholders and to complete an options appraisal regarding future use of the services. The report also sought approval of delegated powers to the Strategic Director, Health and Community, in conjunction with the Portfolio Holder for Health, to award interim contracts to 31st March 2011 to existing providers of residential care services transferred from the PCT and to take such action as may be necessary to implement the recommendations. The Sub-Committee, at its meeting on 19th March 2009, had previously agreed to extend contracts for residential care at Wide Cove and Smithy Forge in order to allow time to reconfigure the accommodation and support to offer independent living arrangements and more opportunity to participate in community life. Significant progress had been made since in developing the residents’ life skills and empowering them to take control of their own lives. However, it was clear that the original timescale to establish independent living by 31st March 2010 was over-ambitious and could only be met by Council Officers determining how people should be supported to live their lives; an approach that did not fit with the transformation of adult social care and personalisation of services. In addition, on the 19th March 2009 the Sub-Committee agreed to extend contracts for residential care at Leahurst and Woodcrofts. However, due to progress on reviewing the current and future provision of mental health services being ongoing, including consultation with service users to assess their views, the Sub-Committee was requested to extend the Contract for residential care at Leahurst, Wide Cove, Smithy Forge and Woodcrofts for a further year to March 2011. RESOLVED: That (1) in the exceptional circumstances set out in the report, for the purpose of Standing Order 1.6 Procurement Standing Orders 3.1 to 3.7 and 3.9 be waived on this occasion on the basis that the review of the residential services offered in Wide Cove, Smithy Forge, Leahurst and Woodcrofts Residential Homes should be completed to consider the changing needs of learning disabled adults and people with severe and enduring mental health problems. In addition, the existing contract for these services be extended to 31st March 2011 in line with the contracted rate previously agreed by the Board, plus any inflationary uplift in line with that approved by Council in setting the 2010/11 budget; (2) delegated powers be approved to enable the Strategic Director, Health and Community, in conjunction with the Portfolio Holder for Health to award contracts to residential care services offered in Glenwood, Holmdale and Bankfield, provided by Community Integrated Care (CIC), recently transferred from the PCT under the Department of Health Directive. The ... view the full minutes text for item 39. |
MINUTES ISSUED:27th November 2009 CALL IN: 7th December
2009 Any matter decided by the Executive Board Sub Committee may be called in no later than 7th December 2009. |