Venue: The Board Room - Municipal Building, Widnes. View directions
Contact: Ann Jones on 0151 511 8276 Ext. 16 8276 or Email:
No. | Item |
Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting held on 13 May 2019, having been circulated, were taken as read and signed as a correct record. |
Minutes: The Committee considered the following applications for planning permission and, in accordance with its powers and duties, made the decisions described below. |
- 19/00240/FUL - Proposed development of industrial unit with use classes B1, B2 and B8 with associated external lighting, electricity substation, service yard and car parking at Unit 1, land off Gorsey Lane, Widnes Minutes: The consultation procedure undertaken was outlined in the report together with background information in respect of the site. Officers advised that since the publication of the agenda several updates were available and referred Members to the published AB Update List where these were explained in detail. Matters still unresolved were outlined and it was noted that further clarification was required on a number of technical details. Officers requested therefore that to avoid any unnecessary delay that authority be delegated to the Operational Director, in consultation with the Chair or Vice Chair, to determine the application subject to the usual checks, to allow those details to be resolved and allow any additional conditions to be attached as required. After considering the application and updates before them and to avoid any delays in determination, the Committee agreed to the Officer’s request and delegated powers were given to the Operational Director, as discussed above. RESOLVED: That a) delegated authority be given to the Operational Director – Policy, Planning and Transportation, to determine the application in consultation with the Chair or Vice Chair of the Development Control Committee, once all outstanding issues have been resolved; and b) that any planning permission be subject to conditions relating to the following and any additional conditions as required: 1. Standard 3 year timescale for commencement of development; 2. Specifying approved and amended plans; 3. Materials condition(s) requiring external finishing materials be carried out as approved (BE2); 4. Landscaping condition, requiring both hard and soft landscaping be carried out in accordance with details submitted/as approved (BE12); 5. Boundary treatment condition(s) requiring fencing etc be carried out in accordance with details submitted/ as approved (BE2); 6. Vehicle access, parking, servicing etc, to be constructed prior to occupation / commencement of use (BE1); 7. Requiring submission and agreement of cycle parking details (TP6); 8. Requiring submission and agreement of electric vehicle parking and charging point(s) details (NPPF); 9. Conditions relating to/requiring submission and agreement of detailed drainage scheme including attenuation and detailed balancing pond details including planting/biodiversity creation (BE1/PR5); 10. Requiring site and finished floor levels to be carried out as approved (BE1); 11. Submission and agreement of Site Waste Management Plan (WM8); 12. Submission and agreement of an Operational Waste Management Plan (WM9); 13. Requiring implementation of the measures recommended within the BREEAM pre-assessment report (CS19); 14. Requiring submission and agreement of operational plant including noise assessment (PR2); 15. Grampian style condition requiring off-site pedestrian/cycle crossing improvements; 16. Condition(s) protecting trees to be retained (BE1); 17. Submission and agreement of Travel Plan (TP16); 18. Requiring implementation of cycle/pedestrian links (TP6); and 19. Requiring external lighting be carried out as approved (PR4/GE21). |
- 19/00261/FUL - Proposed erection of 10 no light industrial work units and associated access, external works and fencing on land to the North West of Foundry House, Waterside Lane, Widnes, WA8 8UD Minutes: The consultation procedure undertaken was outlined in the report together with background information in respect of the site. Officers advised that since the publication of the agenda several updates were available and referred Members to the published AB Update List where these were explained in detail. Since the publication of this Members were advised that comments had now been received from Natural England confirming that additional information was required with regards to potential impacts on European protected sites and the need to carry out an assessment under the Habitats Regulations. In light of the above requirements, Officers requested that delegated authority be given to the Operational Director – Policy, Planning and Transportation, in consultation with the Chair or Vice Chair, to make the decision once the Habitats Regulation Assessment had been completed by MEAS and any potential effects appropriately mitigated; subject to the normal tests being carried out; and to add any conditions required as a result of the above mentioned assessment. Members queried the potential uses for the units; it was confirmed that they would fall into the B1, B2 and B8 classes which would be consistent with other units in the area. With regards to queries regarding the land being contaminated, Officers confirmed that a phase one site investigation had been carried out and further survey work would be undertaken to inform any remediation and validation as required by condition listed within the recommendation. After consideration of the information before them the Committee agreed that delegated authority be granted to the Operational Director to determine the application as discussed above and that it be subject to the conditions below and any additional conditions required following receipt of the Habitats Regulation Assessment. RESOLVED: That a) delegated authority be given to the Operational Director – Policy, Planning and Transportation, to determine the application, in consultation with the Chair or Vice Chair of the Development Control Committee, once all outstanding issues have been resolved; and b) that any planning permission be subject to conditions relating to the following and any additional conditions as required: 1. Standard 3 year timescale for commencement of development (BE1); 2. Specifying approved/amended plans (BE1); 3. Materials condition, requiring external finishing materials be carried out as approved (BE2); 4. Implementation of proposed site and finished floor levels (BE1); 5. Landscaping condition requiring implementation of landscaping scheme (BE1); 6. Boundary treatment condition(s) requiring fencing etc be carried out as approved (BE22); 7. Pre-commencement survey for invasive plant species; 8. Drainage details/strategy to be implemented (UU surface water condition) (PR16); 9. Foul water drained on separate system (PR16); 10. Conditions relating to further detailed site investigation; risk assessment; remediation strategy/verification (PR14/15); 11. Piling using penetrative methods shall not be carried out other than with written consent (EA applied); 12. No drainage for the infiltration of surface water to the ground (EA applied); 13. In accordance with Arb Method Statement (BE1); 14. In accordance with ecological appraisal (GE18); 15. Cycle storage details and implementation (TP6); 16. Bin screen details (BE1); ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |
- 19/00285/FUL - Proposed external alterations to insert new windows and doors. Flat roofed extension to rear courtyard elevation to facilitate the creation of 2 no dwelling units. Conversion of basement to 3 no dwelling units and bin/cycle storage for the building (planning application); Minutes: 19/00306/P3MPA – PRIOR NOTIFICATION FOR PROPOSED CHANGE OF USE OF PART OF GROUND FLOOR FROM FORMER BANK (USE CLASS A2) TO 2 NO INDEPENDENT ONE BED APARTMENTS (USE CLASS C3) (PRIOR APPROVAL APPLICATION); 19/00307/P3JPA – PRIOR NOTIFICATION FOR PROPOSED CHANGE OF USE OF FIRST AND SECOND FLOOR FROM OFFICES (USE CLASS B1) TO FORM 10 NO INDEPENDENT ONE BEDROOM APARTMENTS (USE CLASS C3) (PRIOR APPROVAL APPLICATION); AND 19/00309/P3JPA – PRIOR NOTIFICATION FOR PROPOSED CHANGE OF USE OF GROUND FLOOR FROM OFFICES (USE CLASS B1) TO FORM 2 NO INDEPENDENT ONE BEDROOM APARTMENTS (USE CLASS C3) (PRIOR APPROVAL APPLICATION). Due to the interrelated nature of the applications they were presented as one report. Three of the four applications were prior approval applications made under Schedule 2, Part 3 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as Amended). The fourth application was a full planning application for the external changes required to facilitate the changes of use proposed. The consultation procedure undertaken was outlined in the report together with background information in respect of the site. CONSIDERATION OF
APPLICATIONS 19/00307/P3JPA AND 19/00309/P3JPA Members were advised that both applications proposed a change of use from Class B1(a) offices to Class C3 (dwellinghouses) which was permitted development under Schedule 2, Part 3, Class O of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as Amended). It was agreed that none of the instances where development was not permitted by Class O – (a) to (g) set out in the report – applied to these proposals, so they were therefore permitted by Class O, subject to the condition that before beginning the development, the developer shall apply to the Local Planning Authority (LPA) for a determination as to whether the prior approval of the LPA would be required as to: a) transport and highways impacts of the development; b) contamination risks on the site; c) flooding risks on the site; and d) impacts of noise from commercial premises on the intended occupiers of the development (and the provisions of paragraph W shall apply in relation to any such application). The report provided commentary on the four considerations listed above and based on these, the Committee agreed with the Officer’s recommendation that the proposals were acceptable and prior approval was not required for either application. RESOLVED: That prior approval for the change of use from Class B1(a) offices to Class C3 (dwellinghouses) was not required and development under Class O is permitted, subject to the condition that it must be completed within a period of 3 years starting with the prior approval date. CONSIDERATION OF
APPLICATION 19/00306/P3MPA Members were advised that this application proposed a change of use from Class A2 (financial and professional services) to Class C3 (dwellinghouses) which was permitted development under Schedule 2, Part 3, Class M of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as Amended). |
Minutes: The following
applications had been withdrawn: 18/00596/COND Application to
discharge Condition No(s) 3 (Sightlines) and 12 (Mitigation Plan for
Birds/Wildlife) of Planning Permission 18/00099/FUL at land Adjacent to the Old
Post Office, Chester Road, Daresbury, Warrington, Cheshire. 18/00608/FUL Proposed addition
of 3 no. classrooms with ancillary facilities and extended glazed canopy at
Daresbury Primary School, Chester Road, Daresbury, Warrington, Cheshire, WA4
4AJ. 19/00159/S73 Application under
section 73 of the Town and Country planning act to vary condition 2 of
permission 11/00007/FUL to substitute new plan drawing DRG no. 2 for previously
approved plans to amend elevations and layout and to remove condition 12 restricting
the use of the barn to agriculture for livestock barn and associated
interpretation centre at Water Garden, Harefield
Cottage, Warrington Road, Rainhill, St Helens, L35
6PG. 18/00513/FUL Proposed
development of Solar Photovoltaic Array including boundary treatment, control
buildings and internal access track on Land Bounded by Dungeon Lane, Hale Road
and Baileys Lane to the East of Liverpool John Lennon Airport. 19/00239/FUL Proposed conversion
of loft to habitable accommodation including the installation of front and rear
facing dormer windows at 4 Lodge Lane, Runcorn, Cheshire, WA7 2AS. 19/00281/PDE Proposed single
storey rear extension projecting from the rear wall by 5.962 metres the
extension has a maximum height of 3.698 metres and an eaves height of 2.550
metres at 84 Farnworth Street, Widnes, Cheshire, WA8 9LW. 19/00271/PDE Proposed single
storey rear extension projecting from the rear wall by 4.05 metres the
extension has a maximum height of 3.672 metres and an eaves height of 2.686 metres
at 73 Radnor Drive, Widnes, Cheshire, WA8 7PH. 19/00310/P3PPA Prior notification
for proposed change of use of basement from storage or distribution (use class
B8) to form 3 no. independent one bed apartments at Victoria Buildings, High Street,
Runcorn, Cheshire, WA7 1QS. 19/00293/PDE Proposed single
storey rear extension projecting from the rear wall by 4.04 metres the
extension has a maximum height of 3.50 metres and an eaves height of 2.45
metres at 3 Littlestone Close, Widnes, Cheshire, WA8
9YU. The following Appeals had been received /
were in progress: Enforcement
Notice Without
planning permission, the change of use of an incidental residential annex to
256 Birchfield Road, Widnes, to a separate dwelling. 18/00218/FUL Proposed
erection of 1 no. dwelling attached to the side of the existing property at 20
Maple Avenue, Runcorn, WA7 5LB. 18/00117/FUL Proposed
removal of the existing equine and WC building and erection of 1 no.
residential static park home at ‘Ponderosa’ land to the South West of junction
between Newton Lane and Chester Road, Daresbury. The
following appeals had been determined: 18/00363/OUT Application
for outline planning permission with appearance, landscaping and scale reserved
for single two storey dwelling in side garden area at 3 Nickleford
Hall Drive, Widnes. Appeal
Dismissed. 18/00526/COU Proposed
change of use from Pharmacy to Hot Food Takeway at
Croft Pharmacy, 4 Danescroft, Widnes. Appeal
Dismissed. 19/00010/COU Proposed change of use from former Sandwich Shop to Hot Food Takeaway (use class ... view the full minutes text for item 6. |