Agenda and minutes

Development Management Committee - Monday, 5th August, 2024 6.30 p.m.

Venue: Civic Suite, Town Hall, Runcorn

Contact: Ann Jones on 0151 511 8276 Ext. 16 8276 or Email: 

No. Item


MINUTES pdf icon PDF 209 KB


          The Minutes of the meeting held on 20 May 2024, having been circulated, were taken as read and signed as a correct record.




The Committee considered the following applications for planning permission and, in accordance with its powers and duties, made the decisions described below.


24/00097/FUL - Erection of two drive through units with 'drive thru' facilities together with associated car parking, servicing and landscaped areas at Green Oaks Centre, Green Oaks Way, Widnes pdf icon PDF 512 KB

Additional documents:


The consultation procedure undertaken was outlined in the report together with background information in respect of the site.


The Committee was reminded that this application was being considered by the Development Management Committee following a request received from Ward Councillor Teeling, which was agreed by the Chair.


The Committee was advised that two additional conditions would be required relating to a customer litter bin plan and final details of the extraction systems to be used.  The outstanding objection from Public Health was noted however, it was not considered that a refusal on health and air quality grounds would be sustained.


The Committee was addressed by Mr Wiseman, the Agent for the Applicant.  He stated the following inter alia:


·       There would be no adverse impacts on traffic at any time of the day;

·       Parking provision for the restaurants was sufficient for all hours of operation;

·       Servicing areas would be designed in accordance with the operators of the site to accommodate their vehicles;

·       The scheme and uses of both units complied with town centre policies in the Local Plan; and

·       There were no statutory reasons for refusal of the application.


Officers clarified that Condition number 7 on page 27 would be superseded by the another, to include a restriction on the length of the service vehicles to less than 11.32 metres.


Members queried the delegated status of this application and the outline application before it, which was approved under delegated authority.  They raised concerns over the loss of 207 parking spaces and felt this would be detrimental to Widnes town centre and local businesses, who would see a reduced footfall.  They also queried how the timings of service vehicles visiting the site, could be guaranteed.


The Highways Officer confirmed that they had no objections to the application and explained the policies in support of this.  He added that there were customer parking spaces within the plans of both drive through restaurants.


One Member proposed that the application be deferred so that a site visit could be made by the Committee as a whole, with the Highways Officer and Planning Officers.  This was moved and seconded and the Committee voted to defer the application so that the site visit could take place. 


RESOLVED: That a decision on the application be deferred to a future meeting, to allow time for the Committee to make a site visit. 




The following appeals had been received / were in progress:



Proposed pair of semi-detached dwellings at 132 Halton Road, Runcorn.



Proposed removal of existing conservatory and construction of single storey rear extension at Sexton Cottage, Daresbury.



Advertisement consent for 1 no. internally lit LED digital display at 85-87 Victoria Road, Widnes.


The following appeals had been determined:



Proposed new dwelling on land adjacent to 19 Lilac Crescent, Runcorn – Dismissed.



Proposed two storey rear extension at 31 Cypress Avenue, Widnes – Allowed.



Proposed first floor side extension at 17 Woodland Avenue, Widnes – Allowed.



Proposed phase two extension to approved planning application 20/00607/FUL, comprising an additional 10 mixed-use light industrial units (totalling 1180sqm), 24 parking spaces, associated refuse and cycle storage, and landscaping with access to site via existing crossover at land to the east of Canalside Court, Runcorn – Dismissed. 



Proposed part single and part two storey side extension at 288 Liverpool Road, Widnes – Dismissed.