Agenda and minutes

Corporate Policy and Performance Board - Tuesday, 24th February, 2009 6.30 p.m.

Venue: Karalius Suite, Stobart Stadium, Widnes. View directions

Contact: Caroline Halpin on 0151 471 7394 or e-mail 

No. Item




            The Minutes from the meeting held on 10 February 2009, were taken as read and signed as a correct record.




            It was reported that no public questions had been received.



Additional documents:


The Minutes of the Executive Board and the Executive Sub-Committee relating to the work of the Corporate Services Policy and Performance Board since its last meeting were submitted for information.


RESOLVED:  That the minutes be noted.


SSP MInutes pdf icon PDF 16 KB


          The Minutes relating to the Corporate Services Portfolio which had been considered by the Halton Strategic Partnership Board were normally submitted to the Board for consideration.


          Further to the report submitted by the Chief Executive, as the next Halton Strategic Partnership meeting was scheduled for 18 February 2009, the minutes would not be available in time to comply with the Access to Information Act 1985, so they could not be included on this Agenda.


RESOLVED:   That the report be noted.




Third Quarter Monitoring Reports pdf icon PDF 27 KB

Additional documents:


           The Board considered a report from the Chief Executive on the Performance Management Reports for 2008/09 which asked them to consider and raise any questions or points of clarification in respect of the 3rd quarter performance management reports on progress against service plan objectives and performance targets, performance trends/comparisons, factors affecting the services etc. for the following services:


  • Exchequer and Customer Services;
  • Financial Services;
  • ICT Services;
  • Legal and Member Services, Organisational Development and Human Resources;
  • Policy and Performance;
  • Property Services; and
  • Stadium and Hospitality Services

The Board, in considering these reports, identified areas of interest or concern as detailed below:

ICT Services – It was noted that since the report was issued, the red light indicators had now progressed to green.

Legal and Member Services, Organisational Development & HR   Members requested more information on the job evaluation appeals process.  Further, Members enquired as to whether there were sufficient funds included in the HR budget to cover payments resulting from successful appeals.   A report would be included on the Agenda of the June meeting.

Members also raised concerns about the fact that quality staff appeared to be leaving the Council for other Councils offering better compensation.

Policy and Performance – Queries were raised with regards to the percentage of departmental working days lost due to sickness absence and how rates in one part of the organisation compared with others and the possible reasons why.  Members discussed sickness absence for the Council as a whole and it was confirmed that a report would be compiled to show more detailed information on Council sickness statistics and submitted on the Agenda of the June meeting of the PPB.   A query was raised asking whether or not the job evaluations had affected the sickness levels.   It was noted that this information was not available at the meeting and therefore no comment could be made at the time.  Members also queried the type of HR system used.  In response to a comment from a member of the Board, members were advised that if a member had any evidence of staff faking sickness it should be passed on to the relevant Director.

Stadium and Hospitality – Income from the Social Club was considerably less on previous years and all agreed that ideas for the generation of income for the Club were needed.  Income from gym membership had also declined but it was also noted that both situations could be due to the current economic climate.                   



1)    the Board received the 3rd quarter performance management reports; and


2)    reports regarding the job evaluation appeals process and sickness absence statistics would be submitted at the next meeting of the PPB for further clarification.






Confirmation of 2009/10 Topic work programmes pdf icon PDF 16 KB


          The Board considered a report from Strategic Director Corporate and Policy regarding the work programme for 2009/10 that asked Members to decide on a work programme of between 2 and 4 topics to be undertaken in the next municipal year.


          Following the Board’s suggestions to the Operational Director Legal, Organisational Development and H R, regarding possible topics for inclusion in the 2009/10 work programme, a presentation was given on the topic examining the carbon management issue, and the possibility of broadening this to include natural resources more generally.


          In brief the presentation covered:


  • CAA – Use of Resources 2009 – and in particular the Key Line of Enquiry (KLOE) 3.1 relating to whether the organisation is making effective use of natural resources.


  • What the Audit Commission will be looking for in making its assessment of KLOE 3.1 and what sort of resources are included (energy, water, clean air, land and soil and materials).


  • The case for broadening the Board’s initial Carbon Management Topic proposal to include natural resources more generally.


Following discussions on the topic it was agreed that the Board should firstly establish a baseline of how green the Borough was presently and then use this overview as a basis for selecting areas of priority for closer examination by Members, dividing the task into manageable pieces that would also provide Members with choices, so they could contribute according to their individual interest and expertise.


RESOLVED:  That the Policy and Performance Board confirms that the broad, natural resources topic outlined above be undertaken in the next municipal year.




Local Area Agreement Update pdf icon PDF 23 KB

Additional documents:


          The Board considered a report from Strategic Director Corporate and Policy showing the progress being made to meet the Government’s deadline for a refreshed 2008-11 Local Area Agreement (LAA) (2nd March), and to report on the findings of the Government Office Annual Review of progress to date in delivering the LAA.


          A presentation was given on the ‘Halton LAA Annual Review’ which outlined the following:


a)    The aims of the review and scope for refresh;

b)    Reward elements;

c)     Performance overview;

d)    Explanation of items working well and development issues for:

·       Healthier Communities and Older People;

·       Safer and Stronger Communities;

·       Children and Young People; and

·       Economy and Infrastructure.


Members enquired as to progress with LPSA2 (the Local Public Service Agreement entered into in 2007) and the likely amount of reward grant that would be earned.  This information would be provided by e-mail.




1)    the progress with the refresh of the LAA be noted; and


2)    the outcome of the Annual Review of Halton’s LAA be noted.