Venue: Civic Suite, Town Hall, Runcorn. View directions
Contact: Ann Jones on 0151 906 3795 Ext. 1179 or e-mail
No. | Item |
MINUTES Minutes: The Minutes from the meeting held on 2 November 2010 were taken as read and signed as a correct record. |
PUBLIC QUESTION TIME PDF 27 KB Minutes: It was reported that no public questions had been received. |
(Councillor Gilligan
declared a Personal Interest in the following item (ES56) due to being a Halton Housing Trust
Board Member). |
EXECUTIVE BOARD MINUTES PDF 15 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the Executive Board and the Executive Board Sub-Committee relating to the work of the Corporate Policy and Performance Board since its last meeting, were submitted for information. In respect of Minute No: EXB64 – the Members requested that as this item had an impact across the Authority that it be considered by the Board before any decision was made. In response, it was reported that this request would be considered and the timescale for determination of the Policy be circulated to Members of the Board. Minute Number: ES47 – Clarity was sought on the current position in respect of the revenue expenditure being below the budget profile by £3m. In response, it was reported that information on the balances and reserves would be circulated to Members of the Board. RESOLVED: That the minutes and comments made be noted. |
Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes from the Halton Strategic Partnership Board held on 29 September 2010, were attached for consideration. Minute No: 18, Page 18 – an update was requested on the proposal to abolish the PCT by 2013 and a GP Commissioning service would be established. In response, it was reported that an update on this matter would be circulated to Members of the Board. Minute No: 19 – WNF Review and Evaluation- an update was sought on the evaluation of the projects funded by WNF grant and the development of appropriate continuation or exit strategies. In response, it was reported that each SS had reviewed their spending commitments and there was approximately £1/2 m of funding available. A half day workshop had been arranged in January to consider the options and establish recommendations which would be presented to the Halton Strategic Partnership Board and the Council for consideration. Minute No: 23 – Halton and St Helens Voluntary and Community Action – It was noted that the merger had taken place. It was also noted that in the future the joint organisation may have their headquarters located in Halton. Minute NO: 24 – HSP Economic Downturn Housing Examples – It was noted that the increased numbers of unsuccessful benefit claimants had been mainly due to an increase in the number of new claimants who were unfamiliar with the process. RESOLVED: That the minutes and comments made be noted. |
Choice of Topics 2011-12 PDF 33 KB Minutes: The Board considered a report regarding the Work Programme for 2011/12 regarding possible Topics for inclusion in the next Municipal Year. It was agreed that the Board would continue with the Marketing Working Group and the Energy Working Group. The Chairman advised the Board that they could email him any suggestions for new topic groups. It was agreed that a list of possible topic groups could be presented to the next meeting of the Board. It was suggested that the Board could consider looking at the Halton Strategic Partnership Board in the work programme and the impact the Government proposals had on their role. RESOLVED: That (1) the topics outlined above be included in the Boards Work Programme for 2011/2012; and (2) a list of possible topic groups for the 2011/12 municipal year be presented to the next meeting of the Board. |
Runcorn Indoor Markets Petition PDF 21 KB Minutes: The Board received a report of
the Strategic Director – Economy and Environment which informed the Members
that the Council had received two petitions in respect of the Indoor Market.
The first petition asked for the decision to close the market to be
reconsidered and the second specifically referred to the café. It was reported that
the petitions had been logged and a response had been sent to the individuals
who had submitted them. The Board was advised that unfortunately the Indoor Market was not commercially viable. For this reason, the Executive Board had agreed to the closure. The Board
was further advised that a number of meetings and discussions had taken place
with those traders who wished to continue. A number of options had been
considered; which included taking space on the street market, relocating to
Widnes Market and possibly moving to shop units either in Runcorn Town Centre
or Halton Lea. Traders had been advised that for those properties in Council
ownership, consideration would be given to a stepped introduction to rates and
rents RESOLVED: That (1) the petition be received; (2) the Executive Board had approved the closure of Runcorn Market Hall with effect from 31 January 2011 be noted; and (3) the ongoing work to relocate Runcorn market traders be noted. |
(Councillor Nolan declared a Personal Interest in the following item due to his wife working for HBC in personnel). |
Minutes: The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director - Resources which outlined the number of working days lost in the second quarter of 2009-10, outlining trends and patterns of sickness. The Board was advised that the
cumulative number of working days lost, due to sickness absence, per employee,
at the end of the 2nd quarter 2010/11 was 4.59 as compared to 4.84 days per
employee for the same period in 2009/10, which represented a slight
improvement. The Board was further advised that there had been a substantial
decrease in the days lost due to work related stress across the Authority in
this quarter.- 582 days lost as compared with 1000.50 days lost in the 1st
quarter 2010/11. There were also slight decreases in days lost due to
depression/personal stress in this quarter as compared to the first quarter of
this financial year. In
conclusion it was reported that the continued management of sickness absence
remained important as high levels of sickness increase the overall loss to the
Council. The Council also had a responsibility to ensure appropriate support
was provided to employees who suffer ill-health. The
following comments arose from the discussion:- ·
The extensive health promotional work undertaken by
the Authority and the support given to employees on sick leave was noted; · In relation to the days lost to anxiety and stress and work related stress, it was requested that Members receive a breakdown of these figures by department. In response it was reported that clarity would be sought on whether this information was available on a departmental basis; · Members requested that the percentages of sickness absence be added to future reports; and · Clarity was sought on why schools were included in the data, particularly in light of the new Government proposals and it was suggested that they be taken out of future reports to reflect a more accurate figure. In response, it was reported that this would be taken into consideration. RESOLVED: That (1) the content of the report and comments made be noted; and (2) The
Board continue to receive regular monitoring reports on sickness absence. RESOLVED: That the report be noted. |
(Councillors Dennett and
Gillian declared a Personal Interest in the following item of business due to being
members of CAB). |
Mid Year Monitoring Report for Voluntary Sector Funding 2010/11 PDF 24 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Board considered a report of
the Strategic Director, Adults and Community which presented the Annual Report
for Voluntary Sector Funding The report provided performance information on the eleven organisations that Core Grant supported in 2008/9. Case studies were also circulated at the meeting for Members consideration. Case studies on the Voluntary Sector Core Funding 2009/10 was circulated at the meeting for Members information. The following comments arose from the discussion:- ·
Clarity was sought on what information and
checks the Authority made to ensure the funding was being utilised
efficiently. After discussion Members
noted that there was no Service Level Agreements ( · The difference between funding given to the voluntary sector to provide core funding and funding that was provided for departments to commission services was noted; · Samaritans of Warrington, Halton and St Helens who were based in Warrington – it was noted that they provided a Cheshire wide service and it was suggested that funding the organisation should be proportionate to the population in each Authority; ·
It was suggested that in light of the further
cuts this year a working group be established to look at how the funding was
being utilised and if it was being used to the best advantage for the residents
in the Borough. In addition,
opportunities for option for cross funding between · The Members were advised that they could email the Chairman if they were interested in being part of the Voluntary Sector Working Group. RESOLVED: That (1)
delivery of voluntary sector services in receipt of core grant support from the
Council and comments made be noted; (2) a Voluntary Sector Working Group be established and Members email the Chairman if they wish to become part of the group. |
Performance Management Reports for quarter 2 - 2010/11 PDF 29 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Board considered a report from of the Chief Executive on the 2nd Quarter Performance Management Reports for 2010/11 (July – September) 2010. Members were requested to consider and raise any questions or points of clarification in respect of the 2nd quarter performance management reports on progress against service plan objectives and performance targets, performance trends/comparisons, factors affecting the services for: · Policy and Performance; · Legal and Democratic Services; · Financial Services; · ICT and Support Services; · Human Resources; · Property Services; · Catering and Stadium; and ·
The following comments arose from the discussion:- · It was noted that the new A-Z guide was completed but was currently awaiting a decision on the number to be printed. It was reported that a limited number would be printed to make significant savings. It was suggested that a link to the A-z Guide be established on the website; · FSLI3 – Page 111 – It was noted that discussions were ongoing with the Government in respect of the continuance of the Benefit Fraud Inspectorate; · It was suggested and agreed that Members should not receive hard copies of the ‘In Touch Magazine’ in the future; · Clarity was sought on the contribution to the Stobart Stadium to support operational costs. In response, it was reported that this information would be circulated to Members of the Board; · Page 158 – Clarity was sought on the future of the £200,000 school lunch grant which was expected to end as a result of the Comprehensive Spending Review. In response, it was reported that this information would be circulated to Members of the Board. RESOLVED: That the 2nd quarter Performance Management Reports and comments made be noted. |
Sustainable Community Strategy Mid Year progress Report 2010-14 PDF 171 KB Minutes: The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Resources which provided information on the progress in achieving targets contained within the Sustainable Community Strategy (SCS) for Halton. The Board was advised that an updated SCS for Halton was currently at an advanced stage of preparation and would become ‘live’ from April 2011. In addition, the coalition Government had set out its performance measures in government departmental business plans, of which many of these performance measures were already included in the SCS. The Board was further advised that in considering the report Members needed to be aware that:- · All of the measures within the National Indicator Set (NIS) were monitored through quarterly monitoring reports. The purpose of the report was to consolidate information on all measures and targets relevant to the PPB in order to provide a clear picture of progress; and · In some cases, outturn data could not be made available at the mid-year point. Additionally, all measures captured through the National Place Survey, which was due to be undertaken this year, had been deleted from the NIS by central Government and therefore no further data would be made available in 2010/11. The future requirement for localised perception survey under the transparency agenda was presently subject to consideration. The Board was advised that there was no data on NI 5 – Increase residents overall satisfaction with the area. The following comments arose from the discussion:- · NI 5 – Clarity was sought on the key areas residents felt needed to be improved in respect of influence in decision making (NMA’s). In response, it was reported that this information would be circulated to Members of the Board; · In respect of C02 clarity was sought on whether the information collected by DEFRA from public and private companies could be provided to the Board to consider and use as a benchmark. In response, it was reported that there maybe data protection; · It was suggested that the data to improve outcomes year on year that was sent directly to the Government was available as a public record and this data could be used by the Board; and · It was suggested a Working Group be established to consider the performance monitoring process. ·
RESOLVED: That (1) the report and comments made be noted; (2) a Working Group be established to review the way data and information on performance monitoring was collected, formulated and presented to the relevant Policy and Performance Boards, |
Directorate Business Plan - 2011-2014 PDF 23 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director – Resources which provided an update on Business Planning for the period 2011-14 and the Directorate priorities, objectives and targets for services for this period that fell within the remit of the Board. The Board was advised that each Directorate was required to develop a medium term business plan, in parallel with the budget, that was subject to annual review and refresh. Draft Service Objectives and Performance Indicators and targets have been developed by each department and the information was included in the Appendices to the report. These objectives and measures would form the basis of the quarterly performance monitoring received by the Board during the future year. The Board was further advised that due to the proposed structural changes across the Council and the need to better integrate the Directorate’s priorities as last year a combined plan would be published rather than individual Departmental Service Plans. The plan was, however, was subject to reconfiguration of services between Directorates and subject to consultation. It was reported that comments could also be made to the relevant Operational Director by no later than 20 January 2011 to allow inclusion in the draft business plan. It addition, the draft Directorate Business Plan would be revised given proposed reconfiguration of Directorates during January and will be presented to the Executive Board for approval on 12 February 2011, at the same time as the draft budget. This would ensure that decisions on Business Planning were linked to resource allocation. All Directorate plans will be considered by at full Council at its 2 March 2011 meeting. The Members noted that unlike the individual sections, the overall plan would need to be reviewed again in light of the proposed management structures. The importance of keeping the document up to date was also noted. In respect of Page 241 – Key Area of Focus: 36 – ‘Ensuring that the Council’s land and property portfolio is managed effectively – clarity was sought on the meaning of this and who would be making the decisions. The importance of Ward Councillors taking a lead role in this process was noted. It was suggested that a portfolio list of all property and assets and the surplus sites list be circulated to Members of the Board. In conclusion, the Board requested that Councillor Wharton, Portfolio Holder - Resources be invited to a future meeting of the Board. RESOLVED: That (1) The report and comments made be noted; and (2) a list of all property and assets and the surplus sites list be circulated to all Members of the Board; (3) Members of the Board pass any detailed comments that they may have on the information in the report to the relevant Operational Director by January 2011; and (4) Councillor Wharton, Portfolio Holder – Resources be invited to a future meeting of the Board. |