Agenda and minutes

Council - Wednesday, 19th October, 2011 6.30 p.m.

Venue: Council Chamber, Runcorn Town Hall

Contact: Angela Scott on 0151 471 7529 or Email: 

No. Item


Presentation from Ian Johnson, UK Border Agency

Ian Johnson from the U.K. Border Agency, will brief Members on the work of the agency.


            Ian Johnson, from the UK Border Agency, addressed Members of the Council on the work of the Agency.


            He informed Members that the Agency was part of the Home Office and had involvement in migration and immigration issues, applications for asylum status, dealing with illegal working, enforcement and border controls.


            There was an opportunity for Members to ask questions on current related issues.


Council Minutes pdf icon PDF 52 KB


            The Minutes of the Council meeting held on 20 July 2011, having been printed and circulated, were taken as read and signed as a correct record.


RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting be confirmed and adopted.


The Mayor's Announcements


            The Mayor made the following announcements:


·        He had attended the opening of the Widnes Superbowl at The Hive in Widnes; and

·        He had recently attended the official opening of the Reel Cinema in Widnes.



Leader's Report


            The Leader reported on the following issues:


·        Details of the funding agreement had been announced for the building of the Mersey Gateway Bridge project. The Leader wished to place on record his thanks to all colleagues and officers who had worked so hard on the project;

·        The Prime Minister, Mr David Cameron, had visited the Daresbury Science and Innovation Campus and announced that the Campus  would become an Enterprise Zone, the only successful bid for such status in the North West;

·        The Science Minister, Mr David Willets had visited Daresbury Science and Innovation Campus and announced a further £30m investment package for advanced computing.

·        The recent Members’ Seminar which considered Governance Arrangements was very well attended. Further consideration would be given to suggested improvements and the outcome reported back to Members in due course.



Minutes of the Executive Board pdf icon PDF 81 KB

Additional documents:


            The Council considered the minutes of the Executive Board meetings from 14 July 2011, 8 September 2011 and 22 September 2011.


            RESOLVED: That the minutes be received.


Minutes of the Executive Board Sub Committee pdf icon PDF 38 KB

Additional documents:


            The Council considered the minutes of the Executive Board Sub Committee meetings from 15 July 2011, 9 August 2011, 8 September 2011 and 22 September 2011.


            RESOLVED: That the minutes be received.



Minutes of the Mersey Gateway Executive Board pdf icon PDF 40 KB


            The Council considered the minutes of the Mersey Gateway Executive Board meeting of 22 September 2011.


            RESOLVED: That the minutes be received.



Questions Asked Under Standing Order 8


            It was noted that no questions had been submitted under Standing Order No.8.


Polling Districts/Polling Stations Review (Minute EXB 43 refers) pdf icon PDF 44 KB

The Executive Board considered the attached report:-


RECOMMENDED: That Council adopt the amendments to the scheme as detailed in Appendix 1 attached to the report, for the period 2011-2014.






            The Executive Board had considered a report of the Strategic Director, Policy and Resources, on Polling Districts/ Polling Stations Review.


            The Electoral Administration Act 2006 required Councils to carry out a review of its polling stations every four years. The main purpose of this was to ensure that all residents had reasonable facilities for voting.


            As part of the review process, electors, Councillors and other interested parties had to be consulted. Responses to the consultation exercise were considered by the cross-party Polling Station Review Working Party on 18 August 2011, and their recommendations were attached at Appendix 1.


            RESOLVED: That the amendments to the scheme, as detailed in Appendix 1 attached to the report, for the period 2011-2014, be adopted.


Merseyside and Halton Joint Waste Development Plan Document - Publication and Submission Stages- KEY DECISION (Minute EXB 47 refers) pdf icon PDF 80 KB

The Executive Board considered the attached report:-




1)                 note the results of consultation (Appendix 1) undertaken between May and June 2011 on the Waste DPD Preferred Options 2 (New Sites) Report;


2)                 approve the Joint Waste DPD Publication Document (Appendix 2) and a final six-week public consultation commencing at the end of 2011;


3)         approve the Submission of the Waste DPD to the Secretary of State in early 2012 and that this approval be subject to the detailed comment in paragraph 3.19;


4)         approve the spatial distribution of one sub-regional site per district (Table 2 and paragraph 4.11); and


5)         give delegated authority to the Operational Director, Policy, Planning and Transportation, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder, Physical Environment, to make any minor drafting amendments to the Waste DPD.





Additional documents:


The Executive Board had considered a report of the Strategic Director, Policy and Resources, on the Merseyside and Halton Joint Waste Development Plan Document – Publication and Submission Stages.


The 6 week consultation period on the Preferred Options 2 (New Sites) Consultation ended on 20 June 2011. The scope of the consultation was limited to only four new sites proposed for allocation for waste management use. Detailed feedback was contained in Appendix 1 which highlighted key issues raised against each of the sites.


            As a result of the consultation, all four sites would be included within the publication of the Waste DPD, alongside those moving forward from Preferred Options 1 stage. This would give a total of six sub-regional sites, 13 local sites proposed as allocations, and 2 inert landfill sites. 


            The Publication Stage of the Waste DPD would be the final 6-week consultation stage whereby the consultees could submit comments based on “soundness matters”, which related to technical content or procedural matters. Publication Consultation was planned to start in November 2011, followed by submission of the Waste DPD to the Secretary of State for formal examination. Members were advised that any comments on the proposals should be submitted in writing during the Publication Consultation stage.




1)                 the results of consultation (Appendix 1) undertaken between May and June 2011 on the Waste DPD Preferred Options 2 (New Sites) Report be noted;


2)                 the Joint Waste DPD Publication Document (Appendix 2) and a final six-week public consultation commencing at the end of 2011, be  approved;


3)         the Submission of the Waste DPD to the Secretary of State in early 2012 and that this approval be subject to the detailed comment in paragraph 3.19, be approved;


4)         the spatial distribution of one sub-regional site per district (Table 2 and paragraph 4.11) be approved; and


5)         delegated authority be given to the Operational Director, Policy, Planning and Transportation, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder, Physical Environment, to make any minor drafting amendments to the Waste DPD.







Police and Crime Commissioner Elections May 2012 (Minute EXB 41 refers) pdf icon PDF 21 KB


The Executive Board considered the attached report:-




1)                 note the contents of the report; and


2)                 note and support the appointment of the Chief Executive as the Police Area Returning Officer (PARO) for the Cheshire Police Force Area for the proposed Police and Crime Commissioner Elections in November 2012 (should these elections proceed).



The Executive Board had considered a report of the Chief Executive, on the Police and Crime Commissioner Elections 2012.


The Police and Social reform Bill if enacted, would introduce directly elected Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) across England and Wales from November 2012. A Police Area Returning Officer (PARO) would be required for each area, responsible for the overall conduct of the election in their area.


            With the agreement of the Chief Executives of Warrington, Cheshire East, Cheshire West and Chester, the Police Authority and the Cheshire and Warrington Leadership Board, the Chief Executive of Halton had been appointed PARO for the Cheshire Police Force Area, should the elections proceed.


            RESOLVED: That


1)                 the contents of the report be noted; and


2)                 Council support the appointment of the Chief Executive as the Police Area Returning Officer (PARO) for the Cheshire Police Force Area for the proposed Police and Crime Commissioner Elections in November 2012 (should these elections proceed).


Draft Corporate Plan 2011-2016 (Minute EXB 45 refers) pdf icon PDF 40 KB


The Executive Board considered the attached report:-





1)                       discuss the Draft Corporate Plan in terms of the suggested areas of focus and activities under each thematic area; and


2)                       subject to any amendments required, the Draft Corporate Plan 2011-2026 be adopted.








Additional documents:


The Executive Board had considered a report of the Strategic Director, Policy and Resources, on the Draft Corporate Plan 2011-2016.


The Plan set out the goals the Council wanted to achieve to help build a better future for Halton; it redefined priorities and explained how resources would be deployed. The Plan also presented the Council’s contribution to the delivery of the Sustainable Community Strategy (SCS) 2011-26, and concentrated on the challenge, priorities and achievements planned over the next five years.




1)                       the Draft Plan be discussed in terms of the suggested areas of focus and activities under each thematic area; and


2)                       subject to any amendments required, the Draft Corporate Plan 2011-2016 be adopted.


Parliamentary Boundary Review (Minute EXB 55 refers) pdf icon PDF 35 KB

The Executive Board will be meeting on 13 October 2011 to consider the attached report:-


The RECOMMENDATION will be reported to Council.








The Executive Board had considered a report of the Strategic Director, Policy and Resources, on the Parliamentary Boundary Review.


The Boundary Commission had completed the first stage of a review process and had published its initial proposals. Details of these proposals as they affected the North West, Cheshire and Halton were contained in the report with full details of proposals available on the Boundary Commission web site:


At its meeting on 13 October 2011, the Executive Board had made recommendations to Council, which were tabled at the meeting.


RESOLVED: That the Commission be advised that Council


1)      strongly opposes the inclusion of Hale and Ditton in the Mersey Banks Constituency for the reasons outlined in paragraph 4.6 of the Executive Board report;


2)      suggests that the Penketh and Cuerdley Ward remains within a Warrington based Constituency;


3)      supports the creation of a Halton Constituency containing the following Wards:


         Appleton, Beechwood, Birchfield, Broadheath, Hale, Halton Castle, Farnworth, Grange, Halton Brook, Halton Lea, Halton View, Heath, Ditton, Hough Green, Kingsway, Mersey, Riverside and Windmill Hill.


         (This Constituency would fit the Commission’s number criteria as it contained 79,654 electors);


4)      does not support the renaming of the Halton Constituency –Widnes and Runcorn – as, if the Council’s proposal in 3) above is accepted, then the Constituency of Halton would be substantially as it is now and therefore would not require renaming;


5)           Reluctantly accepts the inclusion of Daresbury, Norton North and Norton South in a Warrington South Constituency; and


6)           expresses its concern to the Commission in relation to the lack of publicity given to this important topic and the difficulty presented to third parties in doing so because of a potential conflict of interest.



Mersey Gateway Project Budget (Minute MGEB 6 refers) pdf icon PDF 49 KB

The Mersey Gateway Executive Board considered the attached report:-





(1)                     the revised budget for Development Costs up to Financial Close when a public private partnership is in place be approved;


(2)                     the requested land acquisition capital expenditure budget be approved;


(3)                     that Council amend the Capital Programme accordingly; and


(4)                     the potential impact on the Council’s revenue budget to cover the costs that are not capitalised, be noted.


Additional documents:


The Mersey Gateway Executive Board had considered a report of the Chief Executive, on the Mersey Gateway Project Budget.


On the 12th October, 2011, the Council received from the Department for Transport and the Treasury, a Conditional Funding Offer for the Mersey Gateway Project. The offer set out the Government’s contribution to the whole-life costs of the Project.


An additional report and attachments were circulated to Members which provided the details of the offer from Government. In addition, Members received a briefing before the start of the meeting from Steve Nicholson, Mersey Gateway Project Officer, on the funding offer.


            RESOLVED: That Council


1)     accepts the Conditional Funding Offer from Government in the form received;


2)   supports the further development of the Mersey Gateway Project on the basis of


(a) the Conditional Funding Offer; and


(b) the information set out in the additional report and the attachments to  the report;


3)   Council and its Officers take all reasonable steps to maximise toll discounts for residents of Halton;


4)     delegate to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, the Portfolio Holder for Resources and the Portfolio Holder for Transportation, the power to take all reasonable steps necessary to achieve the delivery of the Mersey Gateway Project.



Annual Report from Safer Halton pdf icon PDF 20 KB

To consider the attached report.


RECOMMENDED: That the 2010/2011 Safer Policy and Performance Board Annual Report be received.


Additional documents:


The Council considered the report of the Strategic Director, Policy and Resources outlining the Annual Report for the Safer Policy and Performance Boards (PPB) for 2010-11, which had been submitted outlining their work, making recommendations for future work programmes and amended working methods, if appropriate.


It was further reported that the Annual Report had been submitted to the Safer PPB for consideration and had been agreed.


            RESOLVED: That the 2010 - 2011 Annual Report submitted from the Safer Policy and Performance Board be received.

(N.B. Councillor Peter Lloyd Jones declared a personal interest in the Health Policy and Performance Board minutes, as a Non-Executive Director of Halton and St Helens PCT)



Minutes of the Policy and Performance Boards and the Business Efficiency Board pdf icon PDF 37 KB

Additional documents:


The Council considered the reports on the work of the following Boards in the period since the meeting of the Council on 20 July 2011:-


Children, Young People and Families

Employment, Learning, Skills and Community



Environment and Urban Renewal


Business Efficiency Board


In receiving the minutes, the following comments/observations were made:


·        Councillor Peter Lloyd Jones was advised that details of proposals to establish Free Schools were awaited;

·        Councillor Ellen Cargill was thanked for all her work on the recent Cardiovascular Review;

·        Councillor Tom McInerney made reference to the removal of the Road Safety Grant (minute EUR18 referred); and

·        Councillor Osborne commented on the cost of the Police Crime and Commissioner Elections in 2012 (minute SAF 17 referred).



Committee Minutes pdf icon PDF 19 KB

Additional documents:


The Council considered the reports of the work of the following Committees in the period since the meeting of the Council on 20 July 2011:-


Development Control



Appeals Panel


In receiving the minutes, the following comments were made:


  • Councillor C Loftus requested clarification on the term ‘domestic’ waste (minute DEV16 referred). In response, Councillor Nolan (Chairman of the Development Control Committee) advised that the company, Ineos Chlor, had failed to respond to two letters he had sent requesting further details; and
  • Councillor Philbin wished to place on record his thanks to all Members of the Regulatory Committee for their work at recent meetings.



Notice of Motion Under Standing Order No6

The following motion has been submitted in accordance with Standing Order No.6:


Proposer: Councillor Wright


Seconder: Councillor E Cargill




This Council wishes to express its opposition to the so called reforms to our National Health Service which is being introduced by the Coalition Government.


Prior to this Bill, the NHS had the highest level of satisfaction within the Public Sector but already waiting lists are starting to increase, this Bill represents the first stages of privatisation and it will force through the biggest reorganisation in NHS history.


In Halton we fear that if this Bill is implemented, these proposals will lead to a deteriorating provision for our residents in the Borough and there will be a definite lack of accountability to our communities.


There is much uncertainty around the funding arrangements for implementing this Bill.


John Healy, Labour’s Shadow Health Secretary, has revealed that already 2 billion pounds has been diverted away from patient care in the NHS, to pay for the reforms, that’s 2 billion pounds that would have been spent on care treatment but is now being held back to fund Cameron’s top down reorganisation.


We have resolved to write to the Prime Minister and the Secretary of State for Health expressing our concerns”.


            The following motion was moved and seconded by Councillors Wright and E Cargill respectively:




This Council wishes to express its opposition to the so called reforms to our National Health Service which is being introduced by the Coalition Government.


Prior to this Bill, the NHS had the highest level of satisfaction within the Public Sector but already waiting lists are starting to increase, this Bill represents the first stages of privatisation and it will force through the biggest reorganisation in NHS history.


In Halton we fear that if this Bill is implemented, these proposals will lead to a deteriorating provision for our residents in the Borough and there will be a definite lack of accountability to our communities.


There is much uncertainty around the funding arrangements for implementing this Bill.


John Healy, Labour’s Shadow Health Secretary, has revealed that already 2 billion pounds has been diverted away from patient care in the NHS, to pay for the reforms, that’s 2 billion pounds that would have been spent on care treatment but is now being held back to fund Cameron’s top down reorganisation.


We have resolved to write to the Prime Minister and the Secretary of State for Health expressing our concerns.


            A recorded vote was requisitioned in accordance with Standing Order number 16 (1) (b).


Moved by Councillor E Cargill


Seconded by Councillor Swain.


            The following Councillors voted for the motion:


Councillors Austin, Baker, Balmer, J Bradshaw, M Bradshaw, Browne, Carlin,

D Cargill, E Cargill, Cole, Dennett, Edge, Fraser, Fry, Gerrard, Harris, Hignett, Hodge, Hodgkinson, Horabin, Howard, Jones, Leadbetter, M Lloyd Jones, P Lloyd Jones, C Loftus, K Loftus, A Lowe, J Lowe, McDermott, A McInerney, T McInerney, Macmanus, Morley, Nelson, Nolan, Osborne, Parker, Philbin, C Plumpton Walsh, Polhill, Ratcliffe, Redhead, Rowe, Shepherd, Stockton, Swain, Thompson, Wainwright, Wallace, Wright, Zygadllo.


            RESOLVED: That the motion be agreed.